Does anybody else get frustrated that Opie thinks he is only disliked because of Anthony's firing?

84  2015-12-14 by BaseballPresident

I hate how people like Opie, Jim and Metzger talk about people only hating Opie because Opie didn't back up Anthony, when a lot of people hate Opie just because he sucks. I don't know if Opie truly believes he is only hated because of Anthony, or if deep down he knows most of the hate comes because his personality sucks. It bothers me, people, that some of them push that narrative.


I heard people dislike Hitler because his German Shepherd barks all night.

He also chewed with his mouth open at Nazi state dinners. The brute.

one of hitler's glaring personality flaws was his habit of launching into boring monologues and not letting anyone else talk.

The crowd is getting into an uproar about the jews, Hitler says, "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON!" everybody looks expectantly at their Fuhrer. "Of COURSE this mic isn't working. Of Course. We're doing this live, like a hangout, we NEED the mics to work." The crowd riots and kills him. End of story. Peckas.

The Adolf Hitler Experience

I hope he gets crushed by a pile of falling hammers, right outside the SiriusXM building.

ME: Whatever, hater.

Who would wear a shirt that basically says "I shit an abnormal amount of times a day"


Great minds think a lot.

That's what he delusionally tells himself. He's a bit of a cunt, who's not funny or clever who takes credit for other people's brilliance. Ant's firing has little to do with it in the grand scheme of things.

He's too stupid to realize he's stupid, basically.

It also annoys me when people compare Opie to Howard, as Howard actually had talent so it's an inaccurate comparison.

Absolutely annoys me. Opie can never admit that maybe HE is the fucking problem. The reason we attack her is because we no longer have a show worth saving and ignoring her flaws for like O&A. As much as she lies we can usually see through it and eventually it all comes out about what a piece of shit Tits is so what merits any defense on her account. NO ONE listened for Opie and pushing her own agenda of being the victim and the true talent of show killed any restraint for me. Opie is just a mentally unstable woman who can't take responsibility, criticism, is an ego-maniacal, narcissist, talentless hack that won the radio lottery, but can't stop bragging that he is the best. That is why we hate you Opie, you worthless cunt.

Exactly. This sneaky bitchass diversion nigga is crow-barring this narrative of "Ants firing..", but my real problem is with his unfunny fakeAfterFake cornball ass personality steamrolling bag of sloth shit. Fuck him. I'm embarrassed this nigga was in that studio for some of the greatest audio my ears have ever listened to.

steamrolling bag of sloth shit


I personally enjoyed "sneaky bitchass diversion nigga"

It has always urked me that all of the Opie hanger-on's think all of the negative criticism is linked to Ant's fans. Plenty of people here have expressed how much they don't care for Ant or at least don't care for his show, and still have contempt for Opie. I didn't care for him when I first started listening, just tolerated him. Metzger (whom I like) blaming it on Ant's fans really irriated me too.

Personally I don't like Opie because I'm a loser in my mom's basement and I'm jealous of his fame and money. So I come on here and act like a big internet tough guy.

People aren't envious of Opies fame in my opinion. He's too renowned for being just a fucking prick, therefore the only envy is due to the fact that he's somehow managed to go through life earning money due to the talents of someone else and never realising that his own talents don't exist.

The problem with opies hypothesis that the haters are just jealous, is that there are far, far more successful people than opie. Why would everyone focus their jealousy on some anonymous morning zoo shock jock? Anthony was exactly as successful as opie for 20 odd years, and opie caught 99% of the hatred.

Why is this opie? Why is it that people hate you soooooo much? Why did red eye never call opie? Why did Jay Mohr refuse to be in a room with you opie? Why did Dice call you pathetic opie? Have a long honest think why it is that people dont like you, dont like to be near you, and dont like to listen to you :)

Are you making fun of me

You have to be tough to hate someone?

I thought you had to be tough to scream "HOW DOES THAT FEEL?!?" in a guy's face once he's subdued.

I just pretend to be tough because im a virgin.


For someone who "goes to the gym" all the time he sure is a fat-titted fuck.

It makes sense to them, though, since Anthony's firing and the dismemberment of the show is what brought it all to the fore. It's the timing that makes them think so, and it's what allows Opie to cop out that it's all Anthony's machinations.

Before he had Ant to blame the "haters" on he claimed they were all Stern fans. He never even attempted to explain why everyone specifically hated him and not Jim or Ant, though, and obviously nobody on the show was going to point out that flaw in his logic.

I think there's a lot of truth to that. Listened to O&A for years, visited forums, reddit and the old usenet group never remember a lot of ragging on Opie. People celebrated Opie the Destoyer. Then the firing happened. He's a dickhead but let's not rewrite history either.

People always pointed out Opie's faults as a broadcaster, his topic choices, lack of humor, and derailing of good conversation. But back when the show was doing well harping on those things did make you a bit petty, there was plenty of good stuff around his awful stuff, and it wasn't going to change. I personally always thought Opie was bad at radio, but kept my opinion mostly to myself, though I'm sure my wackbag post history has a few. Even now, you won't find any over the top Opie hate in my profile here, especially since I don't really listen anymore. But lots of people always thought he was no better than your local mix dj.

You're right, there was criticism and sniping and less than stellar opinions of him but nothing like this stuff now, it's freakin' gone supernova.

Ya, i agree it's way worse now. I'm not one to call names and join in on the bashing, but I'm glad it's happening, if that makes any sense.

Ant's firing was definitely a catalyst that got the hate ball rolling, but if Opie was as talented as Anthony or Jim or talented at all, or if he just wasn't such a lying manipulative asshole, people wouldn't have near the vitriol for him that they do now.

Sure he was always a no talent creep, but when Ant was still on the show, it was much easier not to notice how bad Opie was. I actually didn't start really despising Opie until his response to TACS Greggshell's episode. Hearing all his lies, contradictions and accusations was when I realized how completely shitty he is in every way.

As a matter of fact, right after Anthony got canned and people were ragging on Opie for not walking off the show immediately, I actually defended him. I'm ashamed to admit that I ever took his side, but like I said, it took me time to see what kind of douche he is.

There has always been a lot of hate for him but before the firing there was always people who would defend him. But these days it's 95% hate so it seems the firing did have some effect but it's not even the close to the worst thing about him. On a list of shit I hate about opie the way he handled the situation is way down the list.

The Opie hate threads were alive and well here long long before Ant's firing.

On other forums too.

Everybody here has one great point.

He knows why we dislike him. It eats at him every waking second.

No it doesn't. Its why he looks like a million bucks!

You didn't hate him when you first started listening to him, did you? I wonder when did most people start to hate him?

Opie has always been like this, it didn't just start.

i thought he was garbage immediately.

Opie is delusional, so I'm no more frustrated by him thinking that Ant's firing is the only reason for the hatred than I am by all the other lies he tells himself and the rest of the world. What is more annoying is that people who should know better also spout the same narrative.

I don't think he's that dumb.

An 'opie sucks' chant broke out at the Big Ass Night Of Fights event on WNEW

I've hated him for years. He'd been fucking up the flow between Ant and Worm since Worm signed up. The "Haters are angry at me because of Ant" narrative is just his way of pretending he isn't a talentless piece of shit who is even luckier than Robin Quivers.

No. Not in the slightest. Keep it coming. As soon as he displays any self awareness, the fun ends.

I'm sure he knows that but he can't go on the air and say people hate me because I suck and everyone should turn my shitty show off.

A lot of people on here push that narrative. Opie said during the post-greggshells show that he defended Ant and didn't want him fired because he was afraid he'd get fired as well, and that seems more logical than any of the conspiracies I've read here.

Opie said during the post-greggshells show that he defended Ant and didn't want him fired because he was afraid he'd get fired as well, and that seems more logical than any of the conspiracies I've read here.

None of that is true, he's said so himself. They were looking to push Anthony away from the show and ole' Hold On Hughes was happy to see him go.


Not saying he didn't want to split up or that he wasn't happy to see Ant go. I just don't think he had anything to do with his firing.

No one said he had anything to do with his firing, including Ant. The point is Tits lied about defending Ant at all, he's confirmed it twice now himself.



What are you talking about?



That's the craziest shit I have ever 👂


no, are you frustrated the FBI raided your mosque, arrested your imam and confiscated all the bomb making material in the basement?



On other forums too.