Every time Anthony stirs the pot and fucks with Opie, he makes Jim's work environment more toxic and more stressful.

10  2015-12-14 by [deleted]

Fucking with Opie, while hilarious, runs the very real risk of pissing off Jim, because of the amount of headaches he's causing him at work.

If Ant knows Jimmy is going to jump ship in October, it might actually, smarter for him to "leave it alone."


It's far less toxic then being told to Jim's face "Why are you here?"

But how else is he supposed to win the adulation of reddit? With an entertaining show?

I love how you imbeciles actually think Jim Norton is going to throw away his career by leaving the O&J show in October.

Nobody's saying the decision would come down to him.

You misspelled paycheck.

Fuck Opie.

Perhaps that's part of his plan.

The worse it is for Jim at Sirius the more likely he'll jump ship to ol' green screen land.

This is entirely Opie's fault. Opie has options. He can either ignore Ant's jabs or fight back. For whatever fuck reason he chose option 3 "bitch to Jimmy on air and reveal that he has seething hatred for Ant then self destruct over Jimmy's lack of friendliness". Ant's jabs at Opie were never even bad and Ant was even getting hate from this sub for acting like a jilted ex gf. Jim can't possibly blame Ant for the way Opie is handling all this. (by "all this" i mean the internet teasing that consumes Opie's free time)

I see your point, but I don't agree.

But Opie should be a fucking mature man, and not get shitty with Jimmy for going on TACS. That was the entire crux of the fight.

Opie is the one that backed Jimmy into a corner. Because he has clearly painted a Me or Him campaign.

Opie is turning into Howard, trying to bully Jimmy from going onto TACS, like Hoo hoo used to do to them with guests.

Listen to that fight, that shit reeks of Opie fucking jealousy of Jim having fun with Ant in a way he does not..

Yeah, Opie is a drama queen, but eventually you're going to resent the guy intentionally provoking with the drama queen.

It may be better to just let Jim do the time on his contract and get out.

It really is a slippery slope for Jimmy.

I feel the most pity for him in all this out of the 3 of them. Despite my worm jokes I make occasionally.

He loves doing radio even if only for the paycheck (worm aside, a mans gotta eat) But he loves supporting his friends and going on thier podcasts.

Anthony has gone full on rogue. Everyone sees that, if Opie was professional he would be able to separate Jim from Anthonys rants.

Did Opie not make his bones on conflict?

After 20 years of alienating everybody around him, I think Opie does enough for making the environment toxic and stressful. Jim has nothing to feel weird about - he's not the semi-autistic depressed 50 year old with no talent and major social interaction issues. He just has to look at everybody else like "what the fuck? Weird" every time he does something strange.

Jim can handle his own shit.

Jim's not leaving. Everything Jim has said has implied that he would leave O&J ... Not Sirius.... Or even Opie Radio for that matter,

That's probably why Ant has gotten worse, it's the passive aggressive behavior that he uses to torment Opie, just on Jim.

It's ok nana, you don't have to worry about it

Poor worm.

That's why I think the Opie shirts by Ant were a bad idea. Make your retorts and smash Opie on air all you want, but the shirts probably make Jimmy just go "Really?"

How fucking dumb are you

I was thinking the same, especially with that Parisscope video

Anthony is like that guy who thinks he can get his female friend to dump her boyfriend by talking shit about him. Never worked in the history of jilted boyfriends, never gonna work.