I, for one, cannot forgive Opie's latest homophobic rant.

32  2015-12-14 by stevenknight


Spelling words wrong is not incorrect grammar you retard.

it's just wonderful

He took down the tweet. Must be getting some heat. I hope someone got a screen cap.

What's up with men that say "xxxx had to sorry " or "I'm sorry but......."


I'm confused, is this the tweet or is it just the thing where he said queers?

ME: The show has passed you by, LMAO

That's just shitty and not funny

Fuck he's such a pussy, there was nothing even offensive about the tweet. For being "Mr.Viral", he's fucking terrified of the internet

He realized it makes him look stupid once he read this thread.


I hope know 1 reported him for hate speach.


2015-12-14 17:14:27 UTC

"no" instead of "know" for the grammar queers! #sorry

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Now I am offended.


Why would he give this sub ammunition?

WOW he really is stupid. he is acting like using "know" instead of "no" is like forgetting a coma. What a cunt

comma*, though forgetting a coma kinda makes sense.

And what does #YouNoItsTrue even mean? Is that a thing?

I hope his wife leaves him for Peter Dinklage.

Dinklage is clearly packing more.

Need to make screen caps a requirement

Knowing the English language is for the gays according to Opie.

What will my gay friends think?

"You stopped sucking my dick to tell me about breasts?"

Opie has multiple learning disabilities. And multiple mental illnesses. These sort of things will happen from time to time.

I can't believe that homo took down that benign tweet. What a fuckin fag

If u want a RT with Op...post here...

Some fucker better have a goddamn screen cap so we can enforce tolerance. We are PC, bro.

Pc principal better not see this.


Damn, its gone. Anyone remember exactly what it said?

Scroll up champ.

lol...that was so innocuous I didnt even notice it..he really deleted that? for catching himself using the word "queer" or for not knowing what grammar was? Man, thats sensitive even for him.



he made a grammar mistake that a 5 year old might make and when people called him out, he called them grammar queers.

Well, it is a "homo"phone.

Does anybody have a link to a screen cap?



It took me several minutes to understand that.


see the TweetPoster comment



It's not a funny comment, but offensive? Really, Steven? You know what he meant by queer from the context. Would have "straight people" instead of "queer" made you post it? I know the answer is no! And it's not because gays have less rights, or that you care that much about the group of people anyway. You are fighting for nothing, young man. Go and play with your Pokemon cards, you will feel better. Last time I've heard your name, you ratted out our fan O&A website to Ant. But I love your YouTube archives, you cunt. I do.

-A Faggot

We're trying to end a man's livelyhood!!

I get it. You guys hate Opie so much you would blend in with the fake media agenda of what's homophobic or speech of hate. For what? To give him a hard time or to get him fired? If he's that bad, why don't you find those things and not jump on every single word the guy says. I hope you guys suck dicks to get him fired. What a bunch of hypocrites.