Spy Report: Ron said on Bennington that Opie & Anthony are doing a reunion show. Lol.

10  2015-12-14 by stevenknight

What's the end game here.


The end game is that you're reeeeally dumb if you believe it

The Opie fans are sucking each others cocks, they're all in.

Opie's fans don't have cocks.

Check their asses.

Grats on getting this post mentioned on air!

Did they? I bet it was Jam Band telling on us

Sorry to be a rat, apparently Jimmy won't be there. Legit info. Ronnie said so.


I smell a rat



No audio of this yet? Ronnie is a skilled bullshitter and i think this can safely be put under that. Then again i still think Fez hasn't retired.

One day they reveal that he has been there for every episode has just been quiet.

I heard it live, he was just being a silly goose. He enjoys stirring the pot from afar.

Half-life 3 confirmed

This is the rat. He must be eliminated.

I'll believe this the day Ronnie B stops being fat.