Opie if you want to regain a shred of dignity you need to attend the Patrice benefit and punch Ant.

13  2015-12-14 by kickerofelves

You've got 5 weeks to train. Have some balls dude. Or not and keep being Ant's bitch.

Get some testosterone shots first, it might help with the tits as well.

Bonus points if you go dressed up like Ant's dad in this pic

Would Ant punch back or have a 'spaghetti on the wall' flashback?


It would be so sad watching those 2 soft add dudes trying to have the first fight of their lives as elderly men.

Middle-aged sir, middle-aged.

So they're going to live to be one hundred?

Women have a longer life expectancy than men, so one of them will.

Ant would have to take advantage of his CC license.

The initial punch missed, but his tit came swinging in afterwards over Opies shoulder and stunned Ant.

Ant pulls, steadies, squeezes gently twice, just as he was trained, Opie flops dead, gurgling blood into his lapel mic.

The crowd erupts into a 20 minute long standing ovation.

Suicide by Guinea

That would be hilarious but I doubt Ant has the sack to do that. He's a lot of big talk but whenever he's physically confronted w/someone he's usually not the tough guy. I remember fatso Michael Moore was in and Cumia fucking wilted after all the big talk.

Only because you would have to reload twice to work your way through the blubber and socialism that shields his disgusting body.

Little known fact about Michael "Maoist" Moore, if you cut into him, he bleeds twinkie filling and pork gravy.

Do you know how much of a beating Opie would get for that?

Do you know how much of a beating Opie would get if he didn't go?

Do you know know how much of a beating Opie would get if he went and ignored Ant?

Opie is getting a beating no matter what he does.

And punt.

Ant's mom really was a MILF.

Damn, no shit.

so was his grandma

Still is, if you like bony women.

Or get Kenny to punch Keith.

Now that might win 'em some points around here.

This is how millionaire elderly radio show hosts fight, by playing Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Retards.

Ant would go on a twitter rant against the large titted retarded community and get fired from his own show.

Overnight Gavin would mysteriously assume control of every show on TACS network.

Ant would pistol whip him.

he'd be discombobulated throwing a punch on dry land.

Still is, if you like bony women.