Our humble King & Queen

75  2015-12-14 by smokinswindler


Lady Di is a literal monster.

Oh no, no I'm not.

I don't think that is a good argument.

Colin has the same deep dark stare of a vietnam vet.

It's the stare of a man who's held success in his hands on three sperate occasions, and on all three they slipped from his bony Irish fingers like so many glasses of diet coke.

It's the look of a misunderstood mushmouth genius.

God damn poetry this is

I love how CQ was there for the crazy lady di call. America's Romero and Juliet

He was a true gentleman... the gears in Opie's shriveled head were turning, he was trying to think of a way to capitalize on her condition when she started babbling about Billy Joel. CQ stepped in and saved the day.

He shut up quickly though. He was horrified. When Opie and Jim brought him back in you could tell. On air heartbreak.

Colin is such a stand up guy that i would not be surprised if he attended her upcoming funeral.

She won't die for a while. She'll linger and drool until she cannot move and then after years of painstaking care for no quality of life she will get a lung infection that eventually ends her life. Colin is irish and won't make it that long.

Admiral Di and her First Mate Colin.

God I've been on a binge of Marion and Lady Di shows. They are legitimately the funniest thing I've ever listened to her.

Lady Di is the perfect person to shit on. She doesn't get sad or shut down. She is just in denial or some sort of alcohol induced mental state that allows her to roll with the punches. She really doesn't seem to understand about 50% of what is said to her in those episodes.

Her life it fucking amazing... She's very proud of herself and sure that she is in the right about everything too.

Most of the views on Lady Di YouTube videos are by me. I love her calls

So good. I've tried to track down all of them. I wish there was some sort of Lady Di repository.

I just listened to one where an ex coworker of hers called in. He worked with her at some grocery store when he was in high school. Apparently she vomited all over their bathroom, was always coughing, and smelled bad. She lost the store 4k dollars her first day as cashier because she was just swiping their cards but not actually charging them. She was fired on the spot. She tried to claim it was actually because she didn't charge $30 because the woman buying the groceries left without paying. But later admitted to the whole thing.

What a dummy. I'm not even sure if alcohol is what fucked her brain up considering Marion doesn't drink much and is just as stupid. They're both like 90 IQ points.


The Body Crabs are using Di's Feather-Boa as a rope-bridge to climb on to CQ's back... And he knows.

holy shit his head is gigantic

Yes he is irish

Yes he is irish

Lady Di Hogan - She is a Real American

Confession: I got a big laugh out of Sam asking all the guests of the Supershow "Who are you wearing?"

I am a fan of Colin partially because of the humanity that he gives her, when others are shitting on her. Bemused humanity for sure, but still - he doesn't have to, and it is clear it isn't out of spite.

Di? Not so much... I'm just sorry it's come to this.

It's the reverse Jake and Vikki LaMotta

She looks like Babe Ruths bloated dead body

It's the look of a misunderstood mushmouth genius.

God damn poetry this is