Opie needs to splain this shit

7  2015-12-14 by Timmy_branmuffins

Opie.. If you still give a an ounce of fuck about us (his loyal fan base for 15-20 years) and wants the hate to stop while winning us back.. (Or at least respecting you again) then you need to go live on your show.. Replay this show that you even broadcasted for free from YouTube. The first day back after Anthony's termination. And explain yourself. Because in light of what's come out since its 3+ hours of you just blatantly lying to the fans! (Hint.. That's why the hate)

Here's just a small quote from the show (23:01)

"But once again if I'm gonna be honest there was something about that phone call that just seems different all around, just seems different for whatever reason ya know? I mean, People can say whatever the fuck they want, but fact is me and Ant have been getting along very well lately. And the radio show was on a tear lately leading up to the incident."



Shut up the hates not stopping and no one ever has or ever will respect him.

That s the spirit

Opie.. If you still give a an ounce of fuck about us

He doesn't. He stopped doing a radio show for you years ago. Yet you keep on listening.

I stopped listening a while ago. I held on a little for Jimmy but as soon as I became apparent he was lying about "going to bat for Anthony" I stopped my Audible sub. The show was horrible and the sub was mearly support at that point anyway.

We get it, you want an apology. We want Opie to be unsuccessful at radio while we watch him transform into what he used to mock until he's forced out. Fuck tits right between the sweet ones, too late for an apology or explination.

That's the bit!

He doesn't remember what's a lie and what's not. He lies to temporarily self preserve. But he's not a smart man.


Really, no reason to be honest to his fans after saying a hundred times "I'm just being completely honest here"

You know that old gag where they portray the sarcastic "ohh gee whiz man, that sucks, welp see you later" and then celebrate when they're gone, the joke is based off of this fake sympathy you have seen in this video

Source: Human with human emotions


Ultra_Patriotundefined It's cute you think that he chose to lie like some mastermind He was just not speaking his true thoughts on ant at the time because there was no reason to do so, im sure he felt how he does now the whole time. Source: Human with human emotions

In case anyone was wondering what faggotry was deleted

I'm a sweet boy