my Opie hate drive is starting to fade, is there a pill for this?

1  2015-12-14 by smokinswindler

I still hate the guy, but im just not getting the joy that used to come with it. i fear the fight last week has peaked maximum hate levels. pray for me during this difficult time, team. GHF. Gotta have fun. Espcially with everything thats going on.


You're not being manipulated by Ant enough

Uggghhhh! We're trying to bust Tits ovaries and you're not there for us, sniff.


maybe drink sum haterade or sumptin? I dun know im just riffin

Listen to the show

Even after all this time I still can't find the passion to hate the guy. He's boring, uninteresting, unfunny, etc. I get all that, but those are not traits that stir hatred in me, just indifference. I think Ant has been far more annoying over the past year and I actually like him.

Those things aren't what stirs hatred in me. It's his disgustingly thin skin after years of doing shit much worse than have ever been done to him. It's his constant chronic lying. It's his disgusting lack of self awareness. The undeserved narcissism, the mentally ill projecting onto everybody else. His treatment of those he sees as inferior. The fool has won a lottery in life, yet his ego and delusions of grandeur made him think it was talent. He has no opinion on anything, his vapid brain and zero passion would be not as hatable if he didn't pass off opinions he just heard as his own. Guys a wet mouthed piece of shit.

Fuck this 65 year old tit monster that goes by Opie. He deserves nothing but the worst horrors.

My dislike comes from having a boss just like him. Puts in the least amount of effort. Wants all the credit, takes none of the blame. Horrible at lying yet wants people to "trust" him. Flips the fuck out when confronted. Under qualified for the position yet is the highest paid. Thinks everyone is stupid but him yet he cant even read at a 5th grade level. Hearing Opie bullshit his employees daily is a carbon copy of my old boss' shitty tactics.