Opie Fan just got a retweet for his newborn. Be sure to wish it well....

0  2015-12-13 by smokinswindler


What the fuck is the matter with you. Opie ruined a show, he gets flak, and he deserves it. But this is just some guy and you're making him and his family a target for no god damn reason. This guy is going to be looking at his kid in an incubator and his twitters gonna be blown up with you humorless unfunny cunts saying you want the baby to die.

Are you fucking retarded?

Your missive made me laugh; thank you.


Maybe don't post pictures of your children on the fucking internet?

Some people are dumb. No need to beat them down

Let's not get carried away http://imgur.com/Ld5r1V0

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be a stretch on the limits of this sub's cruelty to attack a man's newborn son merely for being a fan of Opie


It's not about that, it's about a shock jock doing hack shit he always screamed about.

How far off are they from doing Birthday Shoutouts on the show?

Grow a pair, faggot.

what a horrible thread

I ain't sayin shit.

Opie is the new Queen of Nice.

What is this, 4chan? You gonna hack the kkk and trump next?

That baby is white. Dad is a brownie. Somebody's got some 'esplaining to do!

I came.

What kind of needy fuck actually does this? And I mean both Opie and the new father

this greasy cunt has probably tried every trick in the book to get a Retweet from Tits, Tits doesn't give Tweets to just anyone. The grease finally got his Tweet by using his rotting offspring. It was probably the first thing on the guys mind when his whore shit that shit out.