Show is better? They've moved on? He's delusional.

58  2015-12-13 by kevin121312


He's trying so hard to convince everyone that things are fine. Deep down he knows that he fucked up. Just like the grape fight, they moved on from it but clearly the resentment lasted. If Opie truly believed it he wouldn't need to say anything. Especially at 8am on Sunday morning.


to be completely honest with you

In general.


trust me



He's so delusional that he thinks that the fight cleared the air and everything is ok, even though nothing was resolved. It's still a morning zoo show and Jimmy is comedically handcuffed and Opie is still a little bitch that can't take any criticism.

"I'd be happy if you weren't on the show." Yeah Opie it was just a little spat. You fucking ass.

What makes you think that a sociopath would find anything he did was wrong? Jimmy was wrong and learned a lesson in his mind.

He's a bipolar narcissist, not a sociopath, but yes


Next he'll be saying he wishes Jim "nothing but the best"

ME: We fixed the chemistry in a matter of hours.

haha, exactly

He's absolutely all good with Jim Norton. Yeah, like how he absolutely fought for Anthony's job.

Yea, in the argument they fought over how they haven't had chemistry for 15 years but the 4 shows they've done since the fight has solved all those issues.

Yep, the chemistry is amazing.

Nice try tho.

You are so wrong. What, didn't you see the ??? at the beginning of her tweet? She's moved on and the chemistry is good; better than good to be completely honest with you.

Nice try tho

What an unnecessary adjective. Absolutely all good? Shut up opie

That's an adverb you lummox.

Fuck you! I was wondering when someone was going to call me out on that ha

Opie revealed during the fight that the Ant fight was not just a fluke - he has a very deep-rooted insecurity and need for whoever is sitting across from him to not only like him, but to basically pledge their undying affection for him. Every little high school girlfriend thing Opie said in that fight made it clear, but I think more than anything else it was him telling Jim "I know it's hard for you to give me credit for things" regarding Jim giving Opie credit for "creating" the show. I've heard Jim go out of his way to shower Opie with that praise countless times in his career - it's like Opie wants Jim to open the show with that every day or something.

It's clear he won't feel comfortable with Jim until Jim has 100% sided with Opie against Ant, and until Jim is "close in that way" aka is best friends with Opie outside of the show. Neither will ever happen, and if either of them have "moved on" from the fight it would be Jim. All of this shit is without a doubt just stewing inside of Opie even worse than before.

Bang on. Opie is not looking for a radio partner, he wants a best friend.

Leave it alone

Where is the high pitched "its fine" line from Opie during the fight

Foyn yeah no......I don't

What's better about the show? What changed? He's handcuffing Jim with his whiney behavior now and somehow the show is better a few days later.

It's better from Opie's perspective because she's in sole control now.

When has Opie ever told the truth? Jim even said he offered to talk and Opie said no (Passive aggressive bitchiness). Opie is totally like a woman saying everything is fine and just allows it to fester. In his mind Jimmy is the enemy now and has been plotting with Ant. He will go out of his way to show it doesn't bother him and things are great until he gets another dose of sand in his vagina. If you listen to the fight it wasn't Esther that set Tits off, it was Jimmy saying he reacted weird, then he exploded out of nowhere when cornered. Tits has been looking for an excuse to blow up at Jimmy to basically make him choose sides, but Jim wasn't having it and it devolved into Opie the Victim again.

ME: I'm ahbsuhlootley all fawwking good with Jimmy

I was extremely disappointed when I clicked on that and didnt see Bald Opie as the first reply

He says odd shit to people.

Whenever he uses the adverb, "absolutely," it usually means he's lying about whatever he's talking about. That and "trust me" are just some of that simpleton's tells.

When I post things on FB I routinely get responses from 10% of my friends.

When Opie posts something on twitter, he gets responses from 0.01% of his followers.

Seems legit.

Gotta laugh at all the legitimate fans tweeting "what happened"; Opie made sure that there was NO MENTION of this fight afterwards, and certainly no video of it on the OpieRadio YouTube channel. He is too dimwitted to keep up his reuse though, and needed to respond to this tweet. It'll only open another can o' worms.

"frankly if it keeps the show going for another 20 year's I'm all for the bickering"

Some of the fans on twitter are goddamn hilarious.

It kind of shows you how delusional Sirius is for resigning these guys. The funniest part about this, is Opie through being online is costing himself another contract. A Sirius executive can just read Opie's twitter and see he has no fans.

Well, if Howard doesn't resign for another five years, maybe they're waking up realizing their once popular medium is going the way of terrestrial radio.

I hope Florentine goes off on Opie. He probably is in a backwards way on Comedy Metal Midgets.

I'm sure it's great for him now...Chip and Uncle Paul are gone!

You know who doesn't constantly bring up what good chemistry he has with his co host? Someone who actually has good chemistry with his co host.


2015-12-13 16:05:02 UTC

??? We moved on the next day. Show is actually even better. I'm absolutely all good with @JimNorton

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Great job bot, but I think theres supposed to be a sniff at the end there.


Haha I love this. Opie has reached the point that everything he says is so insane and delusional that it is the most interesting he's ever been. I hope he continues down this path until he's dead

I love how he starts it off with questions marks. As if he's saying why wouldnt everything be alright?

he's so fucking groady.

He keeps turning up the pain volume knob. CRANK IT UP BOYS

If they were really over the fight wouldn't they be able to joke about it or at least ACKNOWLEDGE it on the air? Opie has criticized other shows for being afraid of having "a real moment" for years, but as with most everything he preaches, doesn't practice it himself.