Since Jimmy went to the UFC fights...

10  2015-12-13 by ChrisCapezza

How far into the show until Opie says "I hate when they step on each other's feet?"


Depends on if he gets enough flak about this or not. He'll watch his words carefully.

"I hate it when dey, uh, let's just say, I see lots of things I wouldn't be doing if I were scrapping... (obligatory useless repeat with drawn out last syllable) Lots of thingsssssss."

Opie sees dees tings. Starting tomorrow.

ME:I caught the tail end of the fight... Im ALL IN with McGregor...FAWKK. yuk yuk yuk

where we at with this mcconor guy

Precious Yimmy did thank Dana for his seat...

Such a sweet boy

Can't wait to hear Jimmy talk about how that one guy is a tough mother fucker and that other guy is awesome and can punch really fuckin hard. He must watch fights the way my girlfriend does. Doesn't know anyone's name and just cheers when other people do.

For fucks sake I hope they talk about it all show... what are the other options? Trump and Jenner talk?

6 second long title fights are just further reinforcement to never buy a UFC match and always pirate it for free. What a total waste

There were 5 great fights. And I would rather see an unexpected 10 second knockout than watch maywether shoulder roll and clinch for an hour. The point is that it could have lasted a long time, but the abrupt ending is exciting in itself. I'll take an unpredictable fight over a hug fest every time. If you judge how good a fight was by how long it lasts you aren't going to have fun.


Not sure why this is being downvoted but eventually these short fights are going to hurt the UFCs PPV buys. No one wants to spend $60 on a championship fight that lasts less than 30 seconds.

there were 2 championship fights on this card the other one was a brawl and almost every other fight went to a decision, it wasn't over until almost 2 in the morning, well worth 50 bucks.

Fair point that's true

do you get keep the ppv? i brought it for 15$ and can only watch it live and stream it for 2 days