Has any brave soul ever attempted to listen to Opies documenchree show with the fat Cankle Twins?

17  2015-12-12 by GRIZx

I just think it's hilarious that no one mentions it and none of the big O&A YouTube channels have posted it into their archives. I'm just curious how mediocre it really is.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Opie made a documentary?

No. He has a show that discusses documentaries that he has watched or something like that. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes. That dude sucks and his mannerisms are fucking annoying.

Why would I watch a show where the host can't pronounce the name of the show or the subject of the show?

Opie: Thinks like a retard Vos: Talks like a retard Jim: Looks like a retard Anthony: Tweets like a retard

Is it still on?

I still can't believe how lazy he is to have a show talking about documentaries rather than giving a documentary like take on a subject.

Very true. And from the parts I listened to it seems like he just doing a slightly elaborated on "this is cool" like he doesn't get any behind the scenes info or have interesting insight or research or even a thought out opinion....he just says if he likes it or not

"Huh, Opie likes documentaries? He must have some depth and be smarter than I thought." - What Opie Wants People to Think

I don't think anyone would dare fly that close to the sun

I haven't, but based on his documenchree talk every day on O w/ J, it is just a total redundancy. He brings no form of disucssion other than summarizing them, and if you havent seen it, why would you want it to be spoiled? and if you have, why the fuck would you care to hear a summary of it? I was actually gonna try to listen to one because I figured it'd be full of cringe moments, but I couldnt bring myself to.

I listen to it. It's alright... But the whole thing is a mess honestly. Which is surprising coming from someone who boast abouy being in the business since they were 18 lol there's no set schedule. They do it about once month but on a "whenever we feel like it basis". So it's hard to be a fan of something so lazy and inconsistent. How come they can't just make it the first Monday night of the month or something? A mess. They announce the movies on discussion sometimes the night of which sux because u can't watch like 6 movies at in a span of a few hours. And the thing that really bothers me most of the show (which is why I tapped out) the spoil every movie especially soon to be releases. And it's not opie. It's the stangler bros. Like the revealed the entire ending to the new Colin hanks tower record doc before it was even released! Wtf?! (There is more to the story then just the obvious of all the stores closing down) They get advance screenings of cool docs and instead of just giving the audience the gist, they spoil everything. If your looking for a fun movie podcast that's about hour long and weekly and covers documentries, I recommend Comedy Film Nerds.

Someone actually cares?


Never heard of this. Is it a real thing?


Try working in radio since you were 18