I just listened to the Opie/Jim fight for the first time.

36  2015-12-12 by llewellyn_ash

What an amazing display of narcissism. I could tell how insulted Jim was. Like he said, Jim has been working with Opie for 15 years. Disgusting. "not a fan of Uncle Paul?". Opie has no idea what Jim did for his show. Miserable person. I almost feel bad for him.

And he actually called Jimmy crazy. Opie was so irrational during that fight.


So irrational I was starting to feel bad for the guy, then he started saying shit like:

●"I needed you that day" even though he is not that close to him

●"Ant say some shitty things about me, some REALLY bad things, and I won't ever tell you"

I know why he's getting shit for saying "I needed you", but I think we all get where he's coming from. Jimmy still has the respect of a lot of the fans, whereas Opie has none. Opie knows his word means nothing and so he needs someone with a better reputation to vouch for him.

What did Opie need though? He got what he wanted. Ant is gone, the Stangels are here. He's living the dream.

Im curious on why you got downvoted for saying that accurate description of bitch tits.

He basically told Jim he preferred the show without him and he doesn't like one of his most famous characters... So he'd STILL prefer the show to be without him... that's got to be a fucking TOXIC work environment. Not to mention the fact that your not exactly working on an assembly line to where if the guy next to you doesn't like you it doesn't fuck up the sprockets (or whatever the hell it is you make) this is a fuckin radio show! Not unlike jazz these guys have to be able to listen to each other and play off of that, improvise. Him saying he tunes Jim out is a fucking dick move and pretty much spells the end.


incredible breakdown of the fight

I didn't think it was, personally.

are you a purson in an alley or sumpthin



....or sumpthin

Double Chins sock cukah

Why did i immediately know that was Madhouse

I'm still hard myself.


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Interesting thing is it's almost a replay of the fight from 11 years ago. Somehow both fights indirectly involve Burr and Patrice. The fight from 11 years ago is about Burr, Patrice and Rouse being frozen out by Opie. This time Opie is basically upset because Burr is no longer freezing Anthony out of Patrice's benefit. That time Jimmy is tired of Opie big timing lesser known comics like Burr and Patrice. This time Jimmy attacks after Opie quietly tries to intimidate a lesser known comic like Esther for daring to mention Ant's name. [Continued...]

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Is he still doing Uncle Paul?

He's like every other woman who wants to be mad but has no real reason so s/he fabricates vague bullshit.

You decided to post about an event that happened nearly two weeks ago, an event that has been discussed here ad nauseam, just so we could have your expert special snowflake take on it? And you want to call out Opie for being a narcissist?

Yup, you got me. Cracked the case!