Has Patti been on TACS yet?

0  2015-12-11 by ThankGodForBeer

Give Patti and Di their own shows. FAWK YEAH


She's been in audience atleast once, the only reason I remember is because I kept thinking who built that Joey Ramone scarecrow and why did they leave it in Ants bleachers

There's some mean fuckers on here. Kudos...

Patti is [the only?] O&A success story; considering how bad things once were for her:

She's certainly come a long way. Sure she's not rich and/or famous but her journey from homelessness to stability is admirable.

It's sad that she's the only non comedian from the show whose achieved success at any level.

Bobo has a steady job now working for UPS doesn't he? But then he's probably going to die soon.

The dick pump salesman kidnapped Bobo and Patti and brought them to Ant's house and proceeded to ramble for half an hour on the air. Patti shows up to Ant's parties too.

Ant got all the odd balls in the divorce. Bobo, Patti, Big A, Pat, Lady Trucker, all the producers Opie fired. Lady Di is the only orphan in the bunch.

What is TACS?