Opie makes an attempt at an internet meme from 5 years ago

12  2015-12-11 by RchrdJ28


so sad because we know Gregg couldn't write this much material even if he tried. This has Viral Spiral written all over it haha

And I can't believe that he has the skill to add the subtitles much less the iPad to that video. Unless he just stole it or has "a guy."

I'm pretty sure I've seen a site that lets you just fill in the subtitles for this specific meme.

Like bbjon113 said, he doesn't have the skill to do that.

You can tell a true Opie video when he shakily films a TV with his phone and giggles in the background.

That wasn't even clever. He just took left wingers "idea" that "Trump is worse than Hitler" and winged it. I've seen shitty Downfall parodies, but this is probably one of the worst.

I guess it makes me huge cunt but I thought it was hilarious. Mind you I haven't seen any other Downfall parodies so I guess the concept is fresh to me.

Like Opie.

Now I have 3 things in common with her.

Woah 300 views? Settle down Opie save some for the rest of us

Whoa, Gregg, the Internet called... they're running out of views!

that comment made me laugh however I'm going to down vote you

Opie is astoundingly uncreative - this is in no way better than any prep-burger bit

He has lost his mind completely.. I'm convinced that his entire day revolves around him thinking of ways to "go viral"..

Our friend Steven Knight discovered something recently.



-Ant finds something Opie wrote down.

-It matches a tweet Opie made, twice, on the same date on different years.

-It pretty much shows that Opie is not just like trying, he's systematically and desperately attempting to make jokes/go viral.

Like seriously. He must Google "What is today" every day. Look at that. "ME: Huh, Stephen Hawking and pretzels...I can make this work!"

He has lost his mind completely.. I'm convinced that his entire day revolves around him thinking of ways to "go viral".. I guarantee he has an office in his home, that he stays in all day long, trying to go viral.. His wife/kids know not to bother daddy when he is "working" in his office.

Someone make Opie as Hitler where he berates Anthony and Jimmy.

Holly shit!!! This is fucking gold!!! sniff

This is painful to watch.

The Downfall meme was one of my favorites. This is really tarnishing that.

The Opester is just the gift that keeps on giving.

In 2020 Opie will make an "El Risitas" video.

Not that it's really necessary but it would be funny for us to feed him old/shitty ideas for youtube videos.

Jesus Christ...sonofabitch

Next week he'll start Rick-Rolling us. This guy is on fire, folks.


Speaking of remember when he used to say hatorade and epic fail?

There is no way this dumbass knows how to make these videos. I'm convinced he actually paid someone for this. How fucking embarrassing. He really should be killed.

Five years ago

I remember this shit from 2007.

Yeah definitely older than 5 years because the movie came out in 2004. But I wanted to be conservative in my estimate. So 5 years seemed like a safe number for the title.


couldn't find the "don't worry, you're part of the philly crew" one

This isn't even well done


He totally had Paul, the guy on the show who does the video, make this for him.


opie trying to make up for the fact they couldn't do a 'harlem shake' because he couldn't find a sports bra sturdy enough
