Ron, Dan Soder, Scopebro Chris bring up reddit. Mention how Luis Gomez is pissed and Kurt is getting it now.

20  2015-12-11 by Lilcumia

On the 12/9 show.

Dan "reddits like a terrible neighbourhood I would never go to." Ron "well I don't know where to find it (room laughs) I think I went to read it once.


I like when people say shit like that because Reddit doesn't have the reputation of being dark and offensive. It has the reputation of being filled with nerds sharing forced memes. If someone mentions something like "I went to Reddit and it was so fucked up," it means someone linked them to this sub and it informed their opinion of the entire site.

That's the funniest part of this. Reddit in general is a giant hugbox of easily offended, effeminate dorks who give six thousand upvotes to things that make them go "aww" and "DAE Donald Trump is Hitler!?!!?" This subreddit is one of the exceptions to the general vibe of Reddit.

you said effeminate dorks :( that offends me and makes me sad. please stop :(

It's people who write poems about how Fry's dog dying in Futurama made them cry, and buy shit from

You basically just said it's full of Erocks. I don't know if he writes poetry though, he seems too lazy to bother with putting those feelings on paper.

Holy shit I never thought of it before but Reddit really is full of Erocks. DAE Knifey spooney??

I've seen this DAE acronym several times and I have no idea what it means. Can someone please tell me?


Does Anyone Else [remember/hate/like to]

ThinkGeek has some fun stuff and that happened to be a very sad episode of Futurama. Justshutup! IHateChoo!

I'll make it better and buy some reddit gold and convice the mods to give you a few thousand upvotes to validate your non-thought


hashtag SafeSpace

so triggered

This is the only subreddit where the top comments on every thread aren't predictable stock one liners, or movie quotes that the replies continue until the end of the fucking movie is quoted.



" am I upset about taxation without representation? Well yes I am"

Triggered ;_;

I dunno. According to the SJWs who make up the majority of Gawker Media bloggers and commenters, Reddit is universally reviled as a hotbed of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other Safe Space threatening media (despite the fact that 70% of Gawker posts come from the Reddit front page, other 30% from Buzzfeed)

I love Ron but I know he has somewhat of a liberal bent and frequents Gawker, which is why he might have that impression.


In fairness, this sub and related ones are going to be the side of Reddit most relevant to that circle of comics.

Good stuff, makes me wish I still listened.

tssssss gomez betta run and hide when rollin through reddit we posted up on #redditblock we smokin soderpacks #tsss #RBK #ganggang #letsreddit 💀💀💥💥💥🔫🔫🔫😈🚬

"Reddit's like a terrible neighborhood I would never go to..."

...unless it could help his career. He doesn't mind going on a show that got famous for openly bullying women, retarded people, and the homeless. The worst thing we do on here is type harsh jokes about the bully and his sycophants. We don't bully people with less power than us while our security makes sure they can't fight back.

O&A bullied people? Fuck off, were you ever even a fan?

Just because we all laughed at it doesn't mean that it never fit the dictionary definition of bullying. You probably wouldn't need to type anything besides "opie" into Youtube and you'll get 5-6 examples on the first page where he's harassing strangers for his sole amusement. What we do to Opie is an even more tangible form of bullying than what he does, given how repeated and targeted it is. But Tit's is such an unsympathetic character and we're his frankensteinian creations so no outsiders have any reason to jihad us for it. Lots of bullying happens here, who gives a shit.

You penis head!

Boo hoo


I love both "The Bonfire" and "Race Wars". I consider myself very lucky to have some new radio choices. I think the Kurt hate sucks, especially considering Kurt Metzger wrote jokes for every comedian anyone ever liked. His show is hilarious. I think the impressions are spot on-Donald Trump and Catelyn Jenner killed me- and the original characters like Philly Girl are solid.

This place just has a toxic energy from all the O&A fallout.

To be fair, this place was toxic way before that.

It was always toxic beacuse the fucking show was toxic. You can't spend years attracting the type of people who love making others miserable and laughing at the sadness of other people and turn around and cry that this place is so mean.

🎶 "...and in the end, the hate you take is equal to the hate you make" 🎶


I completely agree.

Compared to what it is now, this place was pretty nice before the sub got a lot of attention. If you saw what it was like before the Homeless Cake Stomp video blew up, it would be almost unrecognizable.

In October? You and Charlie huffin paint again or something? This place has been like this for well over a year, and "like this" just means that it's become much more opie-centric, not meaner.

Before then it was the exact same place but opie got like 10% of the hate he deserved, there were new topics to discuss that didn't involve the implosion of the show and Joe Derosa hadn't yet gassed 6 million jews.

The cake stomp thing blowing up first happened in 2013, so it was probably about two and a half years ago that I'm talking about. I'm not saying that it was a dick sucking festival, but it was definitely different than it is now.

I get the incredible irony that is Opie's career, but the new shows have talent, and none of them should garner the weird hate they receive. I guess I'm scratching my head wishing that this place could have the same passion without all the vitriol.

If you don't think the Philly Girl comedian has some decent off the cuff lines, then I call bullshit and say you aren't a listener.

The majority of people here have lost touch with reality. They've listened to comics rip each other on the radio or podcasts everyday but don't realize it's for entertainment. And so they immitate it. Poorly.

If someone says anything that the sub doesn't like, that person is labeled an SJW and brutally attacked. And not just in a brutal funny way. It turns into trying to fuck up comics' careers and their social media connection with other fans.

There are some really funny brothermans here but there are more guys that don't understand nuance or tact. Or what an SJW actually is.

He's a funny guy no doubt. He also approaches issues with an interesting take I find because of his crazy ass super religious upbringing, so he brings an angle you didn't previously see yourself.

That said every person has their shit qualities. As someone who follows Kurt on twitter and facebook, he gets too caught up with bullshit. Especially with online bullshit or online disagreements. He spends way too much time and energy. He's a bit off his rocker in that respect.

I agree with that. He's hilarious, but he also wigs out on the internet which is hilarious. Seeing him throw a tantrum is half the reason to mess with him.

True. Given what a funny comedian he is and how anti-authoritarian all his intellectual leanings are, he should absolutely not be able to be trolled by random strangers as easily as he is. He habitually loses his mind on marketing platforms that exist solely for corporations and useless teen girls.

Im more upset about Kurts SJW turn than I am the hate he gets. He's certainly 10x funnier than Sherrod was or will ever be. But he is a liberal extremist SJW in every way except for when it affects him. (IE: Feminists criticizing comedy)

You don't like a guy because of their political views. You sound fun.

Yeah, The Bonfire and Race Wars are two of my favourite new-ish shows.

Philly girl is one of the best things on that channel now. There was a show in the last few weeks that had me actually laughing out loud.

I want to rape your loved ones while you are forced to watch, toxic? Nah man don't be ridiculous


You have to get the Dan Soder before you can fuck the Dan Soder.

I heard the daughter say were all mad here lol.

I mean I guess if you were raised by Ron, you would associate dissenting opinions with rage.


Dan Soder's "like a terrible comic I would never listen to"

you don't find silly voices of wrestling characters hilarious?


Holy shit I never thought of it before but Reddit really is full of Erocks. DAE Knifey spooney??

The cake stomp thing blowing up first happened in 2013, so it was probably about two and a half years ago that I'm talking about. I'm not saying that it was a dick sucking festival, but it was definitely different than it is now.

The majority of people here have lost touch with reality. They've listened to comics rip each other on the radio or podcasts everyday but don't realize it's for entertainment. And so they immitate it. Poorly.

If someone says anything that the sub doesn't like, that person is labeled an SJW and brutally attacked. And not just in a brutal funny way. It turns into trying to fuck up comics' careers and their social media connection with other fans.

There are some really funny brothermans here but there are more guys that don't understand nuance or tact. Or what an SJW actually is.