Even a flat-earther ran circles around Opie.

3  2015-12-11 by BaseballPresident

Opie would come in with a "let me ask you this then" question, with a tone of I got him here, then his question would be idiotic like "So would you tell Pete Davidson that his dad was alive", not understanding the whacko never said that the building never collapsed. Opie's unskillful counter point ability came through then with the "Pete Davidson would rip your throat out."

That whack job came off more likeable and sane than Opie did. Opie wasn't able to just talk to the guy and make points like Norton was, instead he had to get all mad and take callers to call him a retard, or get offended by what the guy was saying, "So are you saying I have only half a brain." Yuck.

The best part was when Opie took that caller who said he vacationed with the one family who lost a son, and Opie kept saying the wrong info saying explain how his neighbor disappeared. The idiot couldn't even comprehend the callers call.

Other frustrating Opie moments: Asking Jimmy about UFC and then repeating Jimmy comments right after like his own. "So what about this connor kid?" Jimmy:"Hes a shit talker, makes it fun". Opie: "Connor's a shit talker makes it fun, right" Then talks out of his ass saying only now Dana White allows shit talking.

Also that stuntbrain call. He gets a text form stuntbrain saying why Donald canceled his visit to another country, and then says to get him on the line, and says let me say my two cents why, and then just says what stuntbrain texted him. LOL.

And of course, the typical Opie "this younger generation is so soft." This coming from a man who wont hide an elf doll around his house because he doesn't want to give his kid nightmares, and wont tell them about the toothfairy because he doesn't want to creep them out.

He also said what is wrong with this country is nobody can think for themselves anymore. All you have to do is listen to a show, and you can see why that statement made me cringe.


But if you asked Tits to prove that the Earth isn't flat his head would explode.

That Dave guy isn't really in your face about what he's saying. If you wanna hear it, he talks, but he doesn't force you to agree with him. Which is why his appearance on TACN was so much more entertaining than the Sirius show thing that Opie does.

He's done this forever and it's the thing that bothers me the most about him. Someone will say something then when the topic gets brought up again some time later he'll parrot it back like it's his own profound thought.

"I got a question for the media..."


I fucking hate the "KIDS THESE DAYS BACK IN MY DAY WE USE TO PLAY HOCKEY OUT IN THE HIGHWAY UNDER TREES NEXT TO POWERLINES ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN AND WE NEVER GOT HURT" shit. It's so self centered. Just because nothing happened to you doesn't mean it didn't happen to someone else. Quit bragging that you and your parents were fucking stupid and allowed you to do dangerous shit...