Why didn't I realize how shit Opie is until now?

14  2015-12-10 by ceslek

I've been a fan of the show for about 7 or 8 years. Listened daily between 2009-2012 (sometime around there).

I was never really bothered by Opie and found the strong criticism to be unwarranted.

Now when I listen to the show I can't stand how much of a complete douche he is. He fucks up the rhythm of the show, gets easily butt hurt (especially from shit Ant says), among other things.

It just clicked one day, long after they were off the air (although I stopped listening well before that).

Was I retarded? Am I retarded?


It's because he's gotten even worse in recent years. At least back in the day he'd let Ted Sheckler go off, or laugh along with throwing cherries at some poverty-stricken high school dropout's asshole.

Now he wants Jim to stop doing characters and can't fathom doing anything even remotely funny. The tiny amount of humor that ever existed in his body got lost when he squirted that second kid into his wife.

I've been listening to Jocktobers on my way to and from work. So I've noticed it from listening to old shit.

I think everyone kinda knew it on the surface but the 'ship steerer' shit was pushed for so long that people believed it. Opie has been a fake, using a fake hacky voice and trying to force bits. He's a character as much as Fez was. Why else would they be the only ones with wacky stage names? Opie played this douchey surf bro rock & roll jock character and he takes radio too seriously, trying to FORMAT shit, always taking calls, etc.

He's a "by the books" radio dick who is self important and loves contract drama, his ego, and all those little games in between. It tricks him into thinking he's famous.

Opie will never have Fez's legacy. Fez didn't take anything away from Ron, even if he might not have always contributed. Opie would be pretty good if he took a page out fezzie's book, but it's really too late for any of that.

Because Anthony always needed a hole to keep him from talking about race/politics all day.

Opie used to have a real purpose. Now it's just a hole talking about whatever it wants.

Opie was never THAT important. He was precisely that, a hole.

But he wanted to be Stern, he wanted to be the star of the show, and OpieRadio is just what he wanted, it's all about him now.

And it fuckin' sucks.

Yea man, it hit me too somewhere around September of last year. Ant was fired, people were in a frenzy....yet I still clung to the "back in the day, Opie was edgier and some of his cringe stuff was classic even though he was the weak link when it came to laughs."

But after maybe 2 months of Opie Raqio....and I saw how fucking BAD the show was without Ant....then mix in I was hearing how bad he was in old classic clips, and it hit me like a bomb last year how bad he always was.


It really is crazy re-watching old clips. As much as I hate him now I didn't remember him sucking so much in the past too. I can't find an old clip where he doesn't completely ruin the show. Most recently I was listening to this


He derails the conversation to whine and demand the studio to save a clip of Ant saying something embarrassing. I fucking can't stand him.


u r retart hand noeboddy geev fuks iff Opee retart

you are retarded and nobody gives a fuck about finding out opie sucks



