Kurt Metzger Trying to Stir Shit Up...

15  2015-12-10 by ChrisCapezza


Hahaha this one guy thinks he's "exposed my lies" like I m running for office or something.

Chip Metzger.

What kind of temper tantrum is he throwing now?

Every tweet is about blocking people or being blocked. He has a cunt. Oh and he's bitching that sjw's are better than us LOL oooo.

What happened? Are people from this sub just bothering him cuz it's so easy? He has such thin skin.

Pretty much. The crux of whats bothering him is some people called him a hypocrite for saying were worse than SJW's for leaving Joe bad reviews yet he asked his followers to leave bad reviews for the comedy club that fired him. I honestly don't see the difference, you're fucking with peoples money for doing something well within their rights to do.

He's just asping out and replying to everything, tweeting about blocking and blockers it's all really amusing stuff because almost everyone on this sub grew out of that shit in their teens.

He's so easy to wind up. This should become a regular thing, just make him melt down every few weeks over minor issues.

Until he goes on a rampage and destroys half of a transylvanian village, then what?

Half of what I saw there was him yelling about getting cancelled, because his comedy was too offensive, then the other half was him complaining about offensive radio fans, and how he prefers SJWs over them.

Titster level of self awareness. When nobody likes you, maybe youre the problem.

I love Kurt, but he really needs to go easy on the whole social media thing. Seems like he's in the grips of stimulant psychosis.

Twitter has literally ruined the New York comedy scene.

Soo... Has he said anything that was wrong?

Hes friends with Joe and stuck up for him. Isnt that what everyone is complaining about That Joe didnt do for Ant? Opie also? So why all the hate for Kurt? Hes right about us for the most part, hes funny and has an opinion that's absolutely original and his own. Isnt that what we all want in a comic?

Yes, he's doing literally the exact same thing as DeRosa, claiming it's alrigt for him to do something (in this case fucking with someone's monney bacause he doesn't like what they did) but calling anyone else who did the same thing to DeRosa a scumbag who is "worse than an SJW".

DeRosa and Ant already made up, its time to bury the scoliosis drama.

Just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.

Kurt hates SJWs and is generally funny, thats good enough for me to not give him shit.

I really don't care that he stood up for his hunchbacked friend. Maybe he just wanted you guys to back off, so he'd stop having to take phone calls from a crying Jared Fogle impersonator at 2AM, ever think of that?

I love Kurt. Not getting about his crusade to destroy some midwest club but otherwise I got no problems with him.

He has the advantage of being very funny, but he has some very unlikable qualities. He can NEVER concede a point, and anyone who criticizes him is a "fuckin loser". Jimmy handles it perfect, he ackowledges people don't like him and even sometimes accurately criticize him. I get why you might not take this place seriously, but your also attacking a fan base that generally likes you and just wants you to be consistent. I would love to see him blow up and become a bigger name who could help push back against PC bullshit, but he burns bridges everywhere he goes.

LMFAO He's actually tweeting about how he "stands for truth and justice". This is Titsesque material.

Looks like he's on another coke bender. I actually like kurt, I just don't get why he takes twitter so seriously

So dumb. He's hilarious, but he's just burning down his fanbase. Does he really think a lot of his listeners are not ex or current O&A fans? He's just callinhis fans pathetic like " what kind of person would make a fake twitter profile?" I don't know....."what kind of 40yr old man goes on daily furious fb tirades?"

Oh fuck off Metzger you annoying little worm.

You guys realize if LoS and Gavin were on Opie Radio they'd be all "Fuck that racist Ant"

... But seriously, Ant pays them and doesn't take the high road, therefor the shows on his network don't... I would venture a guess that Opie told Race Wars to "LEAVE IT ALONE!"

But don't think for a second that anyone of them would #StandWithAnt if Opie radio signed them first.... Well maybe Gavin would...


I enjoy pissing off sensitive bitches lol. He's showing weakness, attack.

LOL so I was mocking him for threatening to block people. And he comes back with "oh actually im muting. It's even better"

Er..ok? Don't see how that disproves he's a faggoty bitch boy for announcing his blockings lol.

Jesus the cumia ball huggers are delusional.

No way man, he should shit on Opie just like all of the shows on sirius TACS.... Because they aren't objective at all and would still crap all over O&J if they weren't getting paid by Ant... /s

He's pulling an Opie: pretending criticism is happening for one reason to distract from the fact that it's happening for another, more horrible reason. Sherrod's a hack who plays the black angle because he's not clever. Kurt just focuses on the racist shit so he doesn't have to acknowledge this.

Kurt treats his public Twitter like a private Facebook chat.

Tried listening to race wars today. He can't do radio. I know his co host is bad on o&j but somehow worse on his own show too.

Race Wars is literally one of the best shows out there... Your opinion shows your blatant bias.

maybe i caught a bad show or 2. I tried two today thinking it was just a bad one but found the same in both shows.

The only one's I didnt enjoy were the one's with Lisa Ann... She makes LoS and Race Wars suffer.

Lol no. But that's your opinion and I have mine.

Kurt actually responded back to me complimenting my picture of Opie jerking him off, then proceeded to call me sad, well played. Edit: tries to engage, proceeds to lose..him and Sherrod block. Aka tapped out.

Jesus. What did you turds do to get him to react so much? I thought he had a thicker skin than this.

I'm pretty indifferent about kurt, why the attacks?

They're bored

He's tweeting about how bad white males are. He's trying to get the SJWs on his side. This is great.


Is he Tom Metzger's son?

Kurt needs to lay the fuck off whatever stimulants he does.

Twitter is dumb

Ha Kurt is a fucking troll, his rants are hilarious, especially when he goes all in against SJW's

Who is dis bitch?

Kurt has no idea who he's dealing with.

blocked :(


When will Kurt realise that he's bitching and moaning about other people bitching and moaning. Holy shit. Fucking attention seeking coke fiend. I seriously hope people can takeover #RaceWars and #SherrodsTwitterArmy, it's quite literally the only thing that unfunny hack has got in his life.

Sherrod was commenting on his twitter, saying he gets hated on by us pretty bad, then said something like "I wonder why." That idiot implied we hate him simply because he's black. Wait, is he black?

If we hate him because he's black why did we deify Patrice?

Shhh, you're trying to be logical.

Holy fuck! Is that how this all started? He's even a fucking hack in his delusion. "is it because i iz black"


I don't know how it started, but Kurt just tweeted saying he read all the racist shit on reddit (I assume he means this sub). Stupid Sherrod thinks we hate him cuz of the color of his skin.

O&A fans loved Patrice, Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, like Keith Robinson, and like Kevin Hart.

Maybe one day Sherrod will figure out that he's a hack.