The Flat Earth/Conspiracy Guy

4  2015-12-10 by DAC027

Why did Opie & Jimmy insist on battling that Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole guy? He's clearly insane and you're not going to change his mind about anything. He was on Gavin McInnes' show a while back and it was great because Gavin just let him present his nutty theories.


Nobody listens to this steaming pile of shit.

Because he's probably a prepburger bit.


Do you guys seriously not get it? I haven't listened to his appearance on O&J, but I've heard him on Race Wars and Gavin's show. He's taking the piss. He's a comedian. What I find kind of funny about the guy is that we all know the earth isn't flat and that Sandy Hook happened, etc., but you can tie yourself into knots trying to explain exactly why and how the earth isn't flat.

So, bottom line, the guy is just doing his own version of an Andy Kaufman routine. It's funny when callers try to argue with him like he's serious.

Thermite gobles.

The 2.5 hr youtube doc "we need to talk about sandyhook" was very compelling. Not sure it happened

He's not "doing an andy kaufman.'

He genuinely believes all of those things.

Listen to the DITRH podcast if you want to hear him get shit on by comedian Mike Cannon

Because it's actually about to be revealed that NASA covered up the Moon Landings being staged. Shit is about to go down within the next 3months. Laugh all you want now but its coming. Here is a taste.

Give that a watch from the 3:40 mark. Pretty much puts this nonsense to bed.