Do any of you guys actually like Patton?

0  2015-12-10 by CumiaVsBurr

Because I never did. His stand up sucks and he's a SJW faggot. Plus now that I know he likes Opie I hate him even more


I actually really do. I think his politics are childish and annoying but i find him generally likeable and very funny. Usually the goofy quirky west coast stand up comics disgust me but somehow i love patton

The KFC bowl and Sky cake clips are among some of my favorite comedy videos on youtube. He might be a liberal twerp about politics but he is a great comedian.

im not sure why this makes me laugh so much

Spence is hilarious

I can see how people would hate him but I like him. He was good on the show too. I don't think he has any dog in the fight and was just making a comment about something he heard on the radio. He likes the Opie & Anthony show when he first started coming in I'm pretty sure he said he had been a listener or fan at one point

I used to watch The King of Queens so I guess so.

You poor dumb bastard.

It really wasn't that bad. One thing I noticed is how many plot ideas they took from Seinfeld.

Agreed, if you ever looked at Patton twitter it would exactly be what you would expect an Opie Hughes fan's twitter to look like. Plus he's a huge SJW and he only gives a shit about being anti-pc because he is unable to go clean. If he wasn't a stand up he would he would hate being offensive as much as he hates guns. Also he hates guns with a passion so fuck him


nope pretentious little former funny person

His stand up is hilarious. He's a fat little troll and I disagree with almost everything that he says so I can watch his stand up hoping to hate it but I STILL laugh my ass off.

Also he's not a SJW faggot. He's very big on free speech and being able to say whatever the fuck you want.

I "like" him but I wouldn't say he's anywhere near a favorite comic of mine. He can be very amusing but I don't bust a gut laughing.

Dude Patton is funny as hell. He's got the political interests and nerdy jorts attitude of Kevin Smith but it's a fuckin' lie to say he's not one of the funniest people working.

That isn't saying much. Catch Aziz Ansari headlining a football stadium near you

That isn't saying much. Catch Aziz Ansari headlining a football stadium near you

I said funniest, not most successful, sweetheart.

In any case, I've never not liked Patton on O&A.

Patton's first 20 years in stand up comedy is a Dave Attell rip off. I've heard many comedians allude to it, but none have ever really smashed him over it. I believe Patrice mentioned this to Attell once on the show. The way that Attell will finish a sentence in his Dave Attell voice. Patton did Attell's inflection for years and years. Still does it some.

Big Jay, Metzger, Vecchione, Morril...there's a whole generation of great comics that are doing an Attell impression. It's largely acknowledged by comedians that Attell is hugely influential.

Yeah,... Patton isn't in that generation. Patton is in Attell's generation. They both started in 88.

Fuck no. I thought he and Andy Kindler were the same guy until recently. Both fat unfunny cunts.

Love Patton.

i like him, he's funny.

I think he's a really funny stand-up. I'll always watch his specials. I just can't listen to his politics.

He was always a good guest on O&A.

I was all in with Mike Patton until Peeping Tom, General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners, and his live shows with Rahzel. I felt the quality of his work dipped drastically during this period and tarnished my admiration for him overall. The new Faith No More album is fucking terrific though and rivals King For A Day... Fool For A Lifetime and surpasses Album Of The Year.