For all the people thinking Chipfromtheshow dude is really Norton, her's proof it's not. So let's drop it.

2  2015-12-10 by BaseballPresident


@Iarncolinquinn confirmed it's really him.

I fell for it hard lol, The car + sunglasses coincidence or planning of it seemed good at the time... on second look it was a mediocre photoshop

i actually fell for it too at first because he doesn't do the standard chip, he misspells way more than id expect a person doing chip to do. But then i reverse image searched it and all the original images came up. Also its the same notepad as danny had in his picture which is weird...

You've blown the roof off this case, and only 3 days later.

No. I didn't know people would still be thinking it was him 3 days later.

People are dopey, what can I tell ya? Anybody will fall for a photoshop even in 2015.

Yeah...I fucked up the title..


Thanks capt. Obvious.

There's still people posting about it being him.

Idiots on the internet? You don't say.