Would snorting tons of cocaine during a 7 year, non-stop party while at college cause a person to do a lot of sniffing later in life?

19  2015-12-10 by QuantumTabby

I'm not referring to anyone in particular. Just a general question.


I guarantee Opie nervously did half a line of blow one-time during college and then endlessly brought it up every time he wanted to prove what a badass he is.

Opie likes to get partied up and queer off

Fucking thank you. His drug stories are so clearly exaggerated and or flat out made up. He tries bragging about his "Coke problem" in front of Ronnie B. Yeah, that Ronnie B.

"Check out the empties maaann."

I can relate to that. Back in the day if people were talking about their crazy drug use and stuff and they asked me if I ever did drugs I'd tell them about the crazy awesome partying and drinking and smoking pot that I did even though I smoked pot probably 6 times and only got really drunk once. I understand why you'd play up what really happened like Opie does.

Granted I did that back when I was 22. I stopped that shit shortly after that.

Lol faggot

I used to be but now I'm cured.

22? Shit I thought you were gonna say 16-17... 22 is late in life to lie about drug use

It's a wild show

I agree. I grew up in mormonville, USA so all of my worldly experiences didn't happen until I bailed on the Mormon religion around 20 years old.

"I didnt go all in with the coke...just a taste" like his bit about smoking up at Rogan's podcast. "I took a half a hit" wtf.

He still brings that fucking "baby hit" up every time someone mentions weed. He's a 52 year old poser. It's not like it's an interesting story in any way, he just wants to let it be known that he smoked weed. Same with that grapefruit juiced mixed with light beer he drinks. It would take a 12 pack of that to even get a buzz. He just wants credit for drinking beer/smoking weed on a technicality because he still thinks it's cool.

He is a nincompoop.

Damn! You don't hold back.

There was that time he went on erocks show and he was clearly buzzed off like 2 or 3 beers. Gregg is a lightweight like my grandma

I think you're giving him too much credit. I think he never did coke, ever.

I will say, based on the soul reason he went to college in the 80's, he prob did do a half of a line one single time. but that is literally it. He is a giant, parthenon-sized pussy otherwise, of course.

If that. If he didn't just witness other people doing it.
I'm not saying having ever done coke makes you cool... but Opie seems to be precisely the type of guy who would think that.
If you've even only done one or a few lines and were completely tanked at the time and had only the vaguest memories of the night, you would at least still remember the sensation it gives. (which he claims he doesn't)
Speaking as a person who would normally never have had a chance to do it being a complete loser, but did actually do it on a few occasions due solely to friends' connections.

you would at least still remember the sensation it gives. (which he claims he doesn't)

She totally does! Like that time she did coke before a James Taylor concert and she thought it was Metallica! And she and her friend totally got kicked out! Because of coke!

Don't fuck with the Opester, she KNOWS about drugs.

Sounds like they were fuckin zooted.

Fawk Yeah, Brotherman!
aw shit! I forgot about that anecdote... that totally nails it. Period.


No one who has done Coke before can forget the taste and sensation of a good Coke filled nasal drip.

And I'll bet it was barely even Coke after being stepped on by college Coke dealers, mostly powdered laxatives with a smudge of real blow.

As someone who has done a fucking ton of cocaine I can say that this is not something that I have experienced. Because of how dry his sniff sounds, I would say that it's a straight up psychosomatic tick, just like saying "period" is. He can't quit, even though he wants to.

BTW. Gavin says he still does the occasional coke, on top of probably doing more coke in his life than I could ever dream of affording & he's not sniffing around his studio like a bloodhound.

Opie "the bloodhound" hughes. He should adopt that as his radioname. Sounds hard as fuck, exclamation point.

He just needs to reinvent himself!

he could sell so many "Bloodhound" coffee mugs

The thing is if she sold Greggshells/sniff/tits mugs I would totally buy them.

Hey Anthony, do the mugs and I'll buy em. I don't want no t-shirt.

Yeah, I've snorted a shit ton of coke (and meth) and I don't sniff like he does. Just a bit of damage in my right nostril, but that's it. Looking back, I didn't even really like coke, it was just something I did to break the monotony, crack is better. Coke is just booze fuel.

dvvvv dvvv dvv

Fawk yeah.

Tsss....you shoulda tried drinkin it or sumpthin

I dated a girl from Orange County who developed a drug habit. Her mom introduced her to it.

That would be a great reality show. "Rich Crack Whores of Orange County."

or summtin

I wonder if she's ever brought it up with Jim Jefferies in studio.

Opie is way too big of a control freak to even get drunk. Didn't he have 3 "craft" beers one night and came into the studio claiming he was hung over? Fuckin' Bobo drinks more then he does. Most boring multimillionaire alive.

Being a 50 year old man baby whose feelings are easily hurt would also result in a chronic case of the sniffles.

That sniff is a nervous tick he uses to fill the silence that follows when he expected a laugh or at least some acknowledgement of what he was trying to say.


I asked "a good friend" and he said that it's odd, even if you haven't done a cable in years when the focus is on you out of nowhere you develop a nasal drip as if you just blasted some rails. Because of paranoia you don't sniff, you casually wipe nose and/or tell everyone you're getting over a head cold.

Tell your "good friend" thanks for the info. Be sure to tell him! don't forget.

"😈Metal so heavy only the devil can lift it dvvdvv👿"

Kewl fok'n quote!

I'll have to try that and get back to you

Conduct a pilot study and if you get positive results we can get a large group and conduct a full experiment.

most likely exposed to mold in his/her dwelling.

The Opester probably did a bump once in college and now she acts like she's Tony Montana

ME: I grew up middle class and we didn't have money for coke, so I used the powdered soap that my father got from the welfare office while pretending to be a priest.

"Drugs? You think he's on drugs?

Well, what else? Was he nervous? Did he use a lot of slang? Did he use the word 'man'? I mean when he was leaving did he say 'I'm splittin' ?"

He said "I gotta make like a banana and split."

Opie is slowly turning into Karl Childers. Verbal tics and all.

I bet if Opie took LSD it would break him.

I sniff all the time, trying to balance the pressure in my inner ears.. my ears pop a lot, so maybe Op's ears just suck?

Opie is a dork. And OP is a dork for even posing this question.

Conduct a pilot study and if you get positive results we can get a large group and conduct a full experiment.