Patton Oswalt has nice things to say about Opie. This will be brought up by Opie endlessly from now on, so prepare yourselves.

34  2015-12-09 by ContentBotHZ54K


That was a long way to go for nothing.

As Opie is saying this it cuts to Kenny crying silently to himself outside the studio in an alley. Erock comes outside with a ham under his shirt and notices Kenny. They stare at each other in silence and both realize what the other is doing. Erock slowly nods and Kenny returns one as well as Erock heads back inside leaving the ham on the snowy ground. Kenny collects himself, rips his SiriusXM ID card off his belt, tosses it to the ground, and confidently marches down the alley while Hurricane by Bob Dylan plays, not knowing what the future may hold but confident that good things will come…

Fuck you, this is beautiful. Faggot.

Lil' bit. A lil' bit


I was hoping they'd eat the ham and then have a suck and fuck.

ME: "Uh, so I was on fb last night and, uh, sniff my friend Patton Oswald said the nicest thing about me, and, uh, he was there for me, sniff when I needed him, and, uh, thanks Pat snifffffff


Patton Oswalt sticking up for Islam. Even moderate muslims want gay people dead and treat women like dogs. BRAVO!

The hardcore left is more than happy to surrender everything they supposedly hold dear. I.E Free speech, women's rights, treatment of gays and anti-violence because some brown people might get offended. Disgusting

The hardcore left is more than happy to surrender everything they supposedly hold dear.

As long as the hand they give it to has more melanin than them.

The Race Card trumps all, even the Gay and Trans cards.


uughhh come on patton, like that wasnt an obvious thing to say. more people than not DO say a majority of muslims are good, if anything its less divided than people on cops. man, i generally like patton. hope he never says anything like this again.

Haha, I was just thinking that. The whole logic of the point is kind of backwards. It assumes that most people think that the majority of cops are good people and asks them to extend that same grace to Muslims. But I know far more people who assume the worst from cops than from Muslims.

The point is that the people that say most muslims are bad are the kind of people that would say that most cops are good. A generalization of course, but it's not wrong. Even then it's still an obvious thing to say.

It's based off the false assumption that a tiny minority of Muslims are terrorists, or terrorist supporters, this is very typical of liberals. This might be true in the USA specifically but if you include the Middle East, over 50% of Muslims want to impose imprisonment, or the death penalty on those who want to leave the faith. They want to impose a worldwide theocracy.

Fuck Patton for being compassionate. This reeks of "Hey Opie has been taking all kinds of shit lately, I'll prop him up a bit."

I know most of this sub likes Patton - but I've always found him to be profoundly mediocre in just about everything he's ever done. This duckspeak liberal drivel from him is not surprising at all to me.

(I consider myself pretty liberal and I still think he's being an empty douche bag here)

It's cringy when he was pumping up his dad on the show

It's erotic is what it is.

Jesus Christ, the last thing this narcissist needs is someone like Patton giving him fake praise over something so stupid. The worst part is that this is going to directly effect the show with Opie thinking he is bringing up valid points all the time. (even moreso than now)

But hey, at least Opie went viral.

Sure why not, let him have one. Before you react, I love you all <3

"Wow, I didn't think this fucking retard was actually capable of making a valid point about anything" is basically what Patton said

That was my takeaway.


ME: Thanks, Patton! :) Come visit us in New York sometime! #GoodGuy

Yea but Opie has also had every other conceivable opinion on this issue too.

Opie, master of the spread.

And I'm sure whatever he was just a slightly off regurgitation of something Jim said 15 minutes before Patton switched to it.

Posts like this only reinforce Gregg's idea that he can just parrot people who sound smart and come off like he has an original thought.

Fucking nonsense, and I love Patton, but he's wrong about the proportion of "bad" eggs in Islam, and obviously Opie is a dope.

According to Obeidallah, only 64 percent of Egyptian Muslims favor death for apostates. While even he conceded that this number is depressing, many people came away feeling that Maher can’t be trusted. Did Obeidallah even bother to read the Pew poll that he claimed Maher had misrepresented? The real figure was 88 percent. Is 88 percent rather “like 90 percent”? I’ll let readers decide. (Judging from what I’ve seen online, I fear that most of Obeidallah’s fans would say no.)

Unfortunately, like Reza Aslan, Obeidallah seems almost compulsively dishonest. For instance, pay attention to the point in our exchange, beginning at 3:15, when I mention specific punishments under sharia—amputations for thieves and death for homosexuals. Obeidallah reflexively attempts to cloud the issue by denying that the Qur’an contains any mention of “throwing gays off of rooftops.” In response to this interruption, I can only insist that “it’s in the hadith, and you know it.” Is it possible that a Muslim who has been shilling for an organization like CAIR doesn’t actually understand the status of homosexuality under Islamic law? I don’t think so.

In fact, the lowest percentage I’ve ever seen in support of suicide bombing against civilians in defense of Islam has been 3 percent (in Pakistan). Most Muslim countries profess far greater approval than that. In fact, it would be conservative to say that 10 percent of Muslims worldwide support suicide bombing against civilians in defense of the faith—please note the terms “suicide,” “civilians,” and “faith” in that sentence. We are, by definition, talking about religiously motivated terrorism. A hundred and sixty million supporters of that worldwide is terrible to contemplate. Less polling on these questions has been done in the West, but the data from the UK is also not encouraging. In the immediate aftermath of the 7/7 bombings in the London, for instance, nearly one in four British Muslims felt that the bombings were justified. So we are essentially in the position of merely praying that our polls are wrong by several orders of magnitude.

Yeah but this whole argument is trying to make the situation a purely theological issue. It isn't. The West has completely shat on and manipulated Islamic countries (particularly in the Middle East) for over a century now. The ones with a larger middle class and less Western intervention into their politics and economy don't hate us as much. I'm not apologizing for terrorism, but to pretend they don't have a legitimate beef with us is ridiculous.

Y'know, there are plenty of Marxist/nationalist terrorist groups that cite those grievances and base their objectives on them. These groups are not doing that. Al-Qaeda and ISIS aren't just swarthy versions of Weather Underground and Baader-Meinhof. They have a radically different motivation and worldview.

Go back to Reddit.


I'm not going to read all that, but I agree that patton / opie's argument is retarded.

The "99% of Muslims would happily live next to a gay bar" thing is definitely horseshit, but shitty opinions aren't the same as terrorist actions. Muslims are perfectly entitled to quietly hate gays and hope God smites apostates if they respect the law of the state, and most American Muslims do that.

What the apologists are trying to do is keep the majority of Muslims from being looked at with undue suspicion or treated as second-class citizens, which is a perfectly noble goal. They just go about it in the most utterly dishonest of ways by pretending that there is nothing objectionable in the core texts of Islam or that many Muslims don't have intolerant attitudes towards gays and women. It's the difference between advocating against racial discrimination and pretending that black crime doesn't exist.

Also, a point people forget: society needs police and law enforcement to function properly, so we all have a vested interest in them as a group simply by being citizens. Society doesn't need Islam to function, we have no vested interest in it, and its purpose is not to necessarily serve everybody within the society.

First off, Patton is a fat faggot. Secondly, cut the "It's only a few bad apples" shit with Islam. Everywhere they out breed the locals/conquer they instill Sharia. Sharia is the day-to-day version of the terror that these fuckhead jihadists inflict in smaller doses. No, my objection isn't to the "few bad apples". It's with the entire Muslim world. But hey, man-tits of a feather flock together.

According to Patton Oswalt:

0.1% of cops who have to snap to go bad

= 25% American Muslims agreeing, in a normal state of mind, that American violence on innocents is justified (probably 97%+ of Muslims in Muslim countries)

Great logic, privileged Pat!

ME: I'm ALL IN with The King Of Queens!! SNIFF Actually I haven't seen it yet, but I'll take a peek here and there

"Wisdom can come from anywhere" yeah but not there.

Wisdumb however...


Patton's post was byoootafull....sniff. I'm all in with Patton man, but I only know his hits. I'm going to watch that Parks and Rec show soon though.

If you don't think that Opie said that shit with the intention of garnering some praise by people like Patton, then you're nuts.

Yes it will. Expect Opie will bring it up on the next visit by Patton (he loves to suck himself off). It's also not a great comparison. He's comparing religion to a government agency. There's lots of holes all over the argument and it's very dismissive of the whole subject. Though lets be honest how could Opie have an actual educated opinion on anything so he might as well have dismissive opinions about everything.

This post made me very sad that BaldOpie is not on Facebook.

That's not insightful. That big titted nothing stole someone else's saccharine nonsense and threw it up in studio.

Difference is Ope, cops don't fly planes into buildings or jihad a theater in France.

They just kill black people

We're not discussing their positives here, friend.

ME:No, see, no. GGGreat minds DO think alike so their you ass! (To be read in the classic opie voice cracking with smugness tone)

this is what passes for wisdom? seems like a no shit Sherlock kinda statement to me

yeah cause cops aren't trying to get nuclear weapons to set off in a major western city and kill millions...fuck off oswalt ya twat.

Post videos of Tits making the amputee grab a dollar with her nubs. Show these people what a caring guy he is.

Patton must have Opie confused with someone else. No "sniff", "Period", "obviously", or "all in"? I'm calling bullshit

well, Patton is an annoying little shit just like the Opster

Good on you

Can this fucking phrase go away? You're not British. Say "good for you" like we always have.

Patton Oswalt is the last comedy show I've seen. A couple of months ago in San Diego.

He spent about half of his set pandering to the Rich Spoiled SJW contingent that's so common here on the west coast.

TLDR: Don't believe everything that Patton says; he spends a lot of time sucking up to his audience.

He's a hypocritical lib career-whore type, like the Worm.

he's earning brownie points to trade in for a titfuck

Comparing cops and Muslims is such a good comparison and isn't stupid whatsoever, this isn't sarcasm at all by the way

"Why doesn't it go both ways?" indeed.

The people attacking the shit out of the police and pretending that cops kill more blacks than whites are the same people who somehow claim that Muslim terrorists "aren't real Muslims" but post memes about how Timothy Mcveigh was a "Christian terrorist" even though his terrorist attack wasn't motivated by religion and he was an agnostic. Or if someone brings up the very real threat of radical Islam they respond by bringing up the goddamn CRUSADES as if that's relevant to the problem we are dealing with today. They aren't really interested in real numbers, facts, or respecting people's religious beliefs. They attack what they see as representing white America and defend what they see as the opposite.

Lol this is stupid. Opie didn't come up with this " brilliant insight" he heard it said on different outlets hundreds of times. He's parroting nonsense and doesn't deserve credit for the original thought. Patton should be smarter than this



"Don't generalize" wow mind blown, so profound


I love Patton and mostly agree with him politically but I can't be a backslapper to his echo chamber after he got trounced by Jim Goad.

What a boring, cliche thing to say, that I guarantee was regurgitated from someone else's opinion.

It would be a good insight if like 10-20% of muslims didn't think that suicide bombers are perfectly fine or a giant percentage who think sharia law should be the law of the land everywhere. I fucking hate cops because I think way more than .1% are dirtbag pieces of shit, but Opie is still a dumbfuck. Muslims and cops alike aren't as benevolent as this fuckwit is trying to make you believe. Yeah there are good cops and yeah there are good muslims, but neither group are very outspoken on how big of pieces of shit significant percentages of their groups are.

What a cuckold.

I like how Opie had a generic, widely-held belief, and Patton was the one to add the poignant part of that point.

He's all in with Patton Oswalt now, PERIOD.


Next on Wisdom With Opie:

" guns don't kill people, people kill people "

That Patton found Opie's cut and paste POV enlightening is enraging and embarrassing.

Patton Oswalt is a fat twat

Oh man, the Opster has been waiting for something like this for years. I'm sure he's gonna hammer home his liberal thoughts the next few weeks now. YUCK.

Patton out his mind with a post like that? So douchey.

ehehe, that's amazing. I thought Patton had one of his bitches in there!

He's a hypocritical lib career-whore type, like the Worm.