Opie and Jim discussing Howard's New Contract

9  2015-12-09 by ImDickJustice


"After saying fuck the company, then he resigns with them, heugh heugh"....

That's what you fucking do, Opie, you oblivious faggot.

And Ant did two hours on her doing that.

She really is powerfully autistic.

It's 2015 and Opie is still obsessing over Howard lol

ME: I know everyone thinks I'm obsessed with Howard because I've obsessed & whined about him for 45 minutes a day, everyday for over 20 years, but I'm not. Now clear the phones lines so I can go on another 45 minute rant about everything Howard got that I didn't, & everything Howard said or did that I would get in trouble for.

Sirius is going to keep opie because they don't want him going across the street and competing with howard. Trust me on that. Trust me on that. Do you think sirius wants to try to let howard take on opie one on one? Hell fuckin no. Hell fuckin no.

What competitor of Sirius would give Opie a radio show?

That's not important. .....but it is across the street.

Who cares?


Opie wanted to have Howard's life all his career. He denies it because it's his biggest fear to be exposed as a wannabe phony like Stern used to say. For a few years Opie flew under the radar, got to pretend to be Howard. Howard used to dismantle Hollywood, radio jocks, and even civilians like a fucking tank barreling down a sidewalk, eviscerating everything in its path with biting comedic insults. Opie wanted to be the cool radio guy just like that, so he surrounded his show with great comedic talent. Jimmy and Anthony made his show bulletproof, and as those two incredible tanks destroyed oncoming enemy fire, Opie ran along the sidelines not partaking in the violence, pointing and laughing at their targets while Ant and Jim did all the heavy lifting.

Opie is like the fat kid in gym class who is on your dodgeball or kickball team and he doesn't do ANY work because he's a big fat sissy. And yet, he seems to have the loudest mouth and the most trash talk during the game.

Opie's whole career was a farce where he got to play the Howard role and all his co-hosts went along with it quietly to keep the gig going. Now, karma has that fraud paying for it tenfold, he has been exposed to the core for it. I say we replace Opie's face with Howard's on the top banner.

needs more tank analogies

Tank you for noticing!

Tank Hankerous

If that were all true, why did Howard cower like a bitch and file a gag order? If Opie was such a little cunt, why wouldn't Howard eviscerate him like he did with Mancow?

And Ant was along for the ride too, busting on Stern as well.

Opie sucks, but let's not forget what a little bitch Howard is.

You want an excerpt on today's scary show? http://www.dawgshed.com/threads/4-to-go-thss-official-mockery-thread.169397/unread

You want an excerpt on today's scary show?

What is "today's scary show" supposed to mean? Nobody listens to Howard anymore, you rube. Safe to say from your username you're stuck in the 90's with this radio feud shit. Howard was better than Opie, he did trash Opie many times. He probably knew Anthony was the threat too.

Opies new show in October: The Chatter with Gregg Opie Hughes

I thought it was called "The Scuttlebutt with Opie." Not like it makes a difference... you know that old saying, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a unfunny, boring, delusional hack who does radio or something like that.

I never saw the appeal to Stern. I can imagine his show was good with Artie Lange, but anytime I've listened he sounds like a self-obsessed douchebag. He was either bragging about his legacy or talking about his psychological quirks. His interviews basically consisted of asking about the guests sex life or money situation. IMO Ronnie B could run circles around him as far as interviewing goes, and being funny for that matter. I understand the type of show he did was groundbreaking, but I never could get into it.

The peripheral show characters up until the time Jackie left were amazing. The entire show was basically the dynamics of legitimately deranged people. I like Artie with Nick or Ant or even on O&J but the relationship with Howard wasn't a good one - constant approval seeking. But it was still pretty good radio -- Artie and Norm telling Uecker stories is fucking incredible and Artie's Ash Wednesday story is god damn brilliant. (though likely embellished) But once the show became less focused on say the issues of Jackie versus Robin/Howard or Gary and more on Sal and Benjy it became shitty. Like when kids who grew up on the Simpsons started writing for the show.


I've heard the Bob Ueker clip, fucking great. I'll take a listen to the Ash Wednesday one. I guess it has always been Howard's personality that turned me off. Also the way that every celebrity kisses his ass and only further inflates his ridiculous ego. I'm also bitter because I'm a huge fan of Ronnie B, and I find it ridiculous that more people don't know who he is. Especially considering how much funnier and more interesting he is than Howard.

Agree completely. Never understood the hero worship for Howard. He's not funny and I never enjoyed his whole persona. I do think there is something to the ship steering with him though in that he was good at finding good show conflict and not slamming the brakes on it with HOLD ON HOLD ON -- Snowy in Michigan -- SNOWWAAY!

This is pretty accurate. I was a Stern listener for about a decade before Artie left, the show became unlistenable, and I jumped ship and found O&A on Youtube. I never thought that Howard was particularly funny, but Artie (when he was "on") would make me cry laughing. He was the Anthony of that show.

With all of that being said, Howard is far more entertaining than Opie. He's a legitimately good interviewer (although I don't really give a turkey about interviews). He is funny sometimes -- I've laughed hard at some of Howard's bits (I don't think Opie has ever gotten more than a rare chuckle, and even a stopped clock is right twice a day). The guy can carry on a conversation. None of the shit I'm saying should get him a parade, and he really is overblown. But he's a competent broadcaster, at least.

tl;dr Opie is a poor man's Howard, or Howard is a rich man's Opie

It's kind of weird to talk about now with Howard's obsession with cats and photography, but his show originally gave the radio medium a huge shot of testosterone and insanity. People had never heard freakshow people get screwed with on the radio or experienced the un-PC bits or women pleasuring themselves on the air before him, or at least not to the extent Howard took it. It drew in a lot of people who wanted something cool to listen to on the commute.

Howard's not a funny guy, but his whole persona was based on coolness, orchestrating drama, calling out bullshit, and being open about his life. In a way, it's like what Sam would have been if our dimension shifted three feet to the left. Opie, I guess, was supposed to be like a relatable state university Joe Budweiser-type. That's fine, but not as interesting as what Howard was peddling. Thankfully Opie had Anthony and Jimmy, who made up in quality to the quantity of Howard's crew (who are good, but you generally don't want to hear them for longer than 10 minutes).

I can't really defend what Howard's show has now become, but he's in a semi-retirement haze anyway so whatever. His legacy is undeniable, and I still love listening to Artie-era shows on Youtube.

Well we can all agree that he is leaps and bounds ahead of that unfunny frat boy Gregory Hughes. No argument here.

I think Howards first couple years at sirius were pretty good. But as he grew into an old man who wears weathered scarves in the summer and spent the only 3 days he actually worked, taking phone calls from Marianne from Brooklyn and Bobo talking about America's got talent, I was no longer all in with the stern.

If you're listening to stuff after 2000 yeah Stern got really bad and there was not much appeal. The shit in the late 80s, early 90s was incredible radio day to day though. He was really popular with crossover success, so he had huge names on. And he would fuck with ALL of them and get them involved in his nonsense by force. He would deliberately try to mess with the PR of celebrities by dragging them into stunt segments with retards and the mentally ill. It was great shit. Showing up on the Tonight Show and just completely taking over like a piece of shit. He was like a Hollywood terrorist.

I've definitely only listened to post 2000 stuff. Not sure I could go back and listen to stuff that far back. I respect what he did for radio, just personally can't stand him as a human being in present day.

A lot of it was better than O&A pre-XM to be honest.

ive actually tried to get into howard and i enjoy it, i just cant get hooked like i did with o&a. stuff like this is pretty good though


Listen to stuff Stern did with Billy West and Jackie from the 90's. So many fucking classic moments, lines, and stories.

is there any good youtube channels i should check out?

I'm not sure if they're still around but CPuss was a good one. Just search "Howard Stern Billy West 1995" or some other year.

Here are two funny clips of Howard actually

Conan O'Brien v. The Jackie Puppet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnwv7fGgrbY

Billy West as Blind Melon follower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv_CIfHI8AQ

Just watch all the Norm & Colin appearances if you haven't already.

I'm a longtime diehard fan of both O&A and Howard. The strength of the Stern Show lies not so much in Howard but in the staff--Benjy, Fred, Sal, Richard, Ronnie, the Wackpackers. Once you get to know the personalities the show is very funny, though not as much anymore obviously.

Honestly, I wish Jim Norton had some appearances on the Stern Show. Although I don't think it would get to the point to feature Uncle Paul. Still, it'd be better than Benji.

So Opie listens to Howard everyday? Noted.

HELL fuckin no. HELL FUCKIN no. Trust me on THAT

Given Tit's delusions of grandeur, she probably believe that if Howard leaves she'll be the one to replace him as the biggest radio personality at Sirius. It will kill her if Stern re-signs since that's the one thing that's keeping her out of the spotlight, and denying her all of that well-earned fame and money. The tard.

How long did Howard do on her today?


Nothing happens at 4:12 or during the entire clip.

What are you alluding to?



I don't know, Jim got some chatter started when he said he was going to resign in October.

the only long form of Howard i've heard was the 9/11 show. Something about that being live, and on camera, catching genuine not thought out reactions makes it a very interesting watch. Other than that heard a few interviews with people and whilst he gets some good stuff out of them somehow i can't stand him.

Howard's a cunt. Enjoy Marci Turk-approved radio, fuckheads.

And if Opie and Jim end things next year, I'll have respect for both of them.

I thought it was called "The Scuttlebutt with Opie." Not like it makes a difference... you know that old saying, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a unfunny, boring, delusional hack who does radio or something like that.