Chip "diareers" all over his mothers green rug

43  2015-12-09 by Crusin_Colin

It's one of my favorites but I can't find it on YouTube.


I listen to this multiple times a month.

Also shout out to Opie's contribution. Comes in in the middle, yells "JEEEZUSSS" like a hole and contributes nothing. But if you ask him he will take some credit for the clip.

that was a jooooooke

Just take the fuckin hit, opie

EXACTLY what I came here to comment about. Although it's not so much a yell as it is his "this guy's a crazy one!" voice preceeded by a weak, parroting, forced couple of "uh-huh-huh"s because he couldn't process the humor like the normal people in the room.


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I love this.


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God damn did this used to be a good show. I actually enjoyed this more now that i know for certain that opie angry that Jim and Ant are having fun.

"Jam your pecker in her so hard her wig falls off."

Any time a video title begins with "Chip ruins ______", I know I'm in for a good time.

See Opie, it's fun to interact with him.

I always enjoyed Mike Bocchetti getting involved in live reads. That one is not my favorite but I can't find the pajama gram one.


His mother had her cunt shipped in.


I don't like Chip. All you FUCK faces talk about is how Opie never says anything funny. Chip seems to go out of his way to make non-humorous statements.

Hi Opie.

Also shout out to Opie's contribution. Comes in in the middle, yells "JEEEZUSSS" like a hole and contributes nothing. But if you ask him he will take some credit for the clip.

Thank you.

I love this.
