'So, I'm taking pix in NYC & a black girl who was in frame punched me in the face. I called her a fucking "&$;;-:" cause that's what she WAS!'

0  2015-12-09 by Ant_Sucks

The infamous tweet, now deleted. What kind of an idiot would tweet that and think he's going to have a job in the morning? And worse, thinks a guy he hated should have saved his job for him?

I guess he doesn't want to have an honest conversation about that. He's now saying he called her a cunt

It's amazing that he's still lying about calling her a nigger. His fans aren't going to abandon him because he dropped an N bomb, so why lie about it? Why be a liar when you claim to do an honest show? Why can't he just take the hit?

Is he worried about what he's supposed to say to his black friends?


Lol @ him claiming he was referring to "cunt". What a dishonest piece of shit he is

sherrod is AIDS

Who downvoted you for this? Strange

And let's not forget, poor Opie had to deal with it and pick up the pieces. It's good to see SOME people on this FUCKING subredit have some sense about them.

Since he uses 'cunt' all the time on Twitter, and I could be wrong but I think he used it during the tirade that day too, it's pretty clear the only word worse than cunt that would be worthy of censoring is the ol' N word.

He is just aw pathetic as opie but at least he can be funny and likable

Anthony a dishonest racist? This has been common knowledge for at least 8 years. Anthony Cumia's true crime is he started seeing himself as something other than a lucky high-school drop out and started thinking he had some great insight to offer the world. He stopped being funny. He's an old man now that randomly forces old impressions that used to be funny. His career is dead, he can go now.

He claimed he was fired for saying he should've shot her. Makes sense, the guy brings a gun to work every day.

Show me the proof he said nigger. All I ever saw was the word savage

And animal.

Sorry son, racist Santa Claus isn't real.

&$;;-: is not the result of just randomly mashing the keyboard, it's a clearly substitutable pattern. Boy for a bunch of people who are proud to declare that Ant should say what he wants when he wants to, you sure are afraid to admit that he called her a nigger "because that's what she was".

You should make some more accounts to reply to me with

I just did, Einstein.

&$;;-: doesn't substitute for "nagger", "savage", "cunt" or any other word Ant might pretend it stands for.

Oh so saying he said nigger is proof now? Sounds like wishful thinking to me

It's wishful thinking, no wait.. .stupidity to think that those symbols meant anything other than nigger. Ant is a liar. Face it.

Show me the proof he said nigger and I'll agree with you

Show me a more likely 6 letter word that would fit in "&$;;-:" where the two middle letters are the same, and is also a swear word to justify the censoring.