Can we get Tits to fire Jim?

0  2015-12-09 by hkpp

TACS with Jimmy now or TACS with Jimmy in October. Any way to speed up the process? For deh shoow...

Edit: Big difference between an SXM firing and a Tits firing. We don't want SXM letting him go.


Despite his insistence on wanting to 'reinvent himself' I'm pretty sure that deep down Opie knows he's utterly incapable of going it alone. The arrogance has to be overcompensation for his lack of talent. Because no man, no matter how buxom, could be that self unaware.

It would be the easiest way for him to reinvent himself.

I never got him harping on about wanting to reinvent the show when the foundation of the old show is still your cohost.

I'm sure - as in most entertainment industries - even if we could get tits to let Jimmy go, he would still have to wait out his contract due to a no compete clause

I'm not so sure that Jimmy has an NCC. Anthony certainly didn't. He was fired in July and started TACS in August.

Also, O&A weren't prevented from doing radio after St. Pats because of an NCC. Rather, the company chose to honor their contract and keep them on paid suspension for the duration.

He's already allowed to be a guest on TACS. If theres a NCC, then they'd have to pay him for the duration of the remaining contract balance and the only thing he couldn't do is actually sign a contract with Ant, AFAIK. Any Jews here to clarify this legalize?

Thats actually a nice and evil idea. Bombard tits with tweets about Jimmy talking shit about him. Things of that nature?