Bonnie killing it tonight

18  2015-12-09 by Yousirnames76534577

"Sherrod puts the ape in rape.."


I wish she was killing you.

The photo quality makes it look like the home video of a serial killer.

Lisschen, I kill onschtage, okay?

Shcheee let me thahke thhaht phschoto! Ok?

I kill on shtage, Awlright!"

Thanks, I was wondering why it was creeping me out.

whats that from? id love to eat it

I don't get it...

Who gives a shit? Quit spamming that picture.

It's okay

She can make monkey jokes or ang a tang. I dunno, I'm just riffin.

Chippuh ya off the fawkin chain!!!

I want to French kiss Bonnie and awkwardly pat her back with both hands like I'm playing the bongos as I'm doing so.

Love the Bonnie.


Killing my hard on

Bonnie is very funny on mwhm. I really like the show. 3 out of 5 shows are pretty funny and entertaining.

Totally. It's actually a really solid podcast. And pretty honest. Of course they play up the drama for the show, but it feels pretty real.

I want Bonnie to miscarriage Vos' half retarded fetus all over my face.

One down vote? Hi Rich!

Bonnie was on Kennedy on Fox Business Channel tonight (the 8th) and those fucking makeup artists really did her a solid. She looked fucking amazing.

she came into LOS one time after a TV taping and she was smoking hot with that pro make up

In all fairness, everyone looks amazing next to Kennedy.

She's a babe

Bonnie killing it tonight

If only "it" was Vos' nickname.
