Kurt Metger was fired from "Comedy on State" in Madison WI for making "offensive joke". He's posting some great stuff about it right now.

21  2015-12-09 by smokinswindler


Seems like just yesterday he was throwing a hissy fit and saying we were worse than SJWs.

Well, we are pretty terrible and were pretty far up Gavin's dick at the time.

Synopsis: He made a joke saying " Why were people mad about the Ground Zero mosque? I'd want a mosque at every important building, just for protection." The comedy club fired him but would not say what the offensive joke was, and he found out third hand through someone.

That's pretty funny. Who would find that offensive, terrorists?

Pompous self important white guilters

Oh right, Madison.

Madison is a great town, unfortunately the University breeds these fuckwits into extreme SJWS. Most of Madison is blue collar workers and cool dive bars.

Oh sure--no disrespect to the town. I've been there once and had a blast. Just that it's a huge school (40,000+ students) that seems to often come up in discussions of PC run amok.

I graduated from UW, and its progressively (no pun intended) gotten worse over the last decade. Most of us came from small towns around Wisconsin, and a lot of people feel guilty for coming from small all white towns. Even worse, the majority of students don't even have part time jobs outside of school. So you have kids who have never worked a job, and have gotten everything handed to them. It's really sad, because most Alumni used to be incredibly proud to have gone there. Not to mention the number of amazing professors who have left because of pay cuts.

They lost 2 football coaches in the past 5 years because the university won't pay them or their staff anywhere close to market rates. Arkansas and Oregon State do.

Bingo!....is what all the alcoholic Ho-Chunk Indians play in Madison.

But they have their own casino.

Rational people should find it "offensive" because it's only funny to people who don't understand the reality of Muslim extremism. Muslims kill Muslims every day in Syria: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/24/severe-blow-al-qaeda-suicide-bomber-takes-out-leadership-key-isis-brigade/ His joke is only playing up the stereotype that all Muslim people are "in it together". Banning him from a club isn't great, but Kurt can do better than this lazy horseshit.

Things can be blatantly offensive and still be funny. Do I think this particular joke is groundbreaking? No, but I wouldn't gasp and whine that the comic "isn't aware of the reality of Muslim extremism." Comedy isn't meant to spread awareness or stop stereotyping.

Blatantly offensive can be funny (Louis CK Origin of the N word). Lazy jokes are always boring (any joke told by your uncle that includes the word "rag").

Let's leave my uncle and his menstruation jokes out of this.

Like I said, I don't think the joke is groundbreaking or even funny. I just wouldn't say that Kurt should recognize that it's offensive or worry about the reality of Muslim extremism.

Do you know what sub this is

It's not a great joke, but I don't think it's as facile and lazy as you suggest. Sure, on the basic level it's about all Muslims being in cahoots. But on another level, it's about the overreaction to and misplaced fear instilled by the proposed "ground zero" mosque in the general public. That is--it's a basic satirical observation that pokes fun at our own insecurities and ignorance.
Either way, it's lame to brand expression as offensive. Period.

That's actually a great point. The title of the post made me think the joke was recent. The context of what people were saying that week would have made it much funnier.


I'm pretty sure this happened like 6 months ago. He was on Bennington afterwards talking about how he would never go back there. Unless he went back and got fired again.

Ya, it sounds like he finally figured out the specific joke that got him fired now.







Who gives a shit. Comedians can do any job for money and no one says shit about it because they're just trying to make a living, a club owner cant take the same sell out approach?

kurt is hilarious. he was on twitter earlier giving some gym the business. apparently it's one of those scams where they just keep charging you even after you quit. can't imagine kurt metzger at the gym. just angrily working out in jeans.

Haha. I love this mental image.

He's a baby and comparable to tits in his feminine qualities.

every time i hear him on any podcast hes always complaining about twitter haters, and hes always writing these shitty facebook essay shitting on SJW feminist or what not, i think hes shit

He's a baby lol. I made one comment to him about some idiotic shit he was spewing about charities. Then came back hours later to 10 messages on twitter from him freaking out at me like a gf I just cheated on. I was embarrassed for him.

So that guy from redlettermedia is a stand up too?

What did he expect? Madison is a cold Berkley for dumb kids.