Look who’s using Ant's studio today

129  2015-12-08 by [deleted]



"But seriously, Neil, why can't more of them just be like you?"

Good thing Ant wasn't there with his gun when Neil walked in.

What does Russel Wilson have to do with this?


He knows the science of lifting weights, it's how he knows.

why did the picture cut off right above his big black peckah?

Take another look, his peckah is fully in frame. http://imgur.com/JtiBmpW

fawkin homerun /u/imindignant!

i make love to you with my heart...

Holy fuck. I hope it happens.

This is really smart of Ant and Keith. Letting other podcasters use their studio is a good way to make professional connections and make people like you and feel grateful to you. Color me impressed.

Probably helps pay the rent too. Office space in Manhattan ain't cheap.

Are suggesting it becomes a-- media destination?

It's kind of a no-brainer, I think even Sirius rents out their studios on an hourly basis. Any studio rents out time, to pay for itself - impossible to do in his basement, but studio space in NYC? He'd be an idiot not to do it. Guys like Kevin Pollack and Kevin Smith rent spaces like that all the time - and the tricaster is a big get for a small studio, they're really expensive. I'm sure it was part of their plan from the get-go. There's a huge market for it - indie film/documentary guys, TV production (especially news -space for interviews is always in demand), voice acting recording, etc. The studio could pay for itself just hosting podcasts. Ant's doing it right - he was always the guy who wanted to go into this with the O&A show - Opie never got it, and Jimmy was kind of into it. With podcasting still booming, this is a money printing machine.

great idea because it helps get better guests and Ant seems kind of laid back so its probably easier to say "hey can I do my show..." than to other podcast people

And, not to say it's going to happen, but if Ant ever ends his show, the studio could be part of his retirement. Studios in major cities are usually going 24 hours a day. Even here in the Bay Area, with all the studios we have already, a small studio like that would be booked months in advance.

"hey can I do my show...at the Hayden Planetarium Hall of the Universe?" Neil: "No." I think you meant to say "hey, WILL you do my show?"

I'm gonna do my show at the Hayden Panaettierium. With my PECKA!!!


Is that Tyson with bobo?

I can't tell you how amused I was when I temporarily thought they had Bobo interviewing Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I'm incredibly disappointed that this isn't the case.

Fuck I would pay money to hear a two hour interview of NDT by bobo.

jesus christ i wouldnt lol

I'd rather hear NDT interview Bobo.

Fuck, that isn't Bobo?

46-chromosomed bizarro-bobo

Bono is his dopeelganger

Eugene mirman, stand up and ndt's podcast cohost

Voice of Gene Belcher

Such a stark contrast in almost every aspect

Kid Dynamite

Ant better make sure none of his equipment gets stolen.

Relax, hes been around the space shuttle. I think Ant's shitty desk and green screen are safe.

I wonder if NDT has any idea how many times Ant has said nigger.

I bet NDT would agree with him on the comments he made, he has a brain.

deGrasse Tyson is awesome.

You're not allowed to like him in this sub because the rest of reddit likes him too much.

Why? Seriously, why? Have you ever seen/read/heard Sagan? Tyson was his protege, but he really isn't any where near the communicator nor close to the intellectual level as Sagan. In fact, Tyson's entire shtick is based on a bad Sagan impersonation. Where Sagan was humble, Tyson's a self-absorbed parroting ass.

I agree with you completely. Unfortunately a bad Sagan impression is all this next gen gets. It is still better than some kid watching a vine star though, so take solace with that.

Eh, listen to startalk. The guy knows his shit.

I haven't yet, but what do you mean by "knows his shit"? He's known for Sagan regurgitation with a pinch of condescending douchebagary.

He's OK as far as knowledge goes. He just isn't on Carl Sagan's level.

Have you checked out his real scientific work? The guy isn't just a popular science communicator. He had a great science career.

He is legit, I know who he is.

Agreed. He's a smarmy self-important douche who babbles about shit he doesn't even understand himself. He's never written a peer reviewed paper, just had his name added as co-author because white scientists need a negro name for viability in this century.

I agree with you, but no one else will. Lots of people on this sub still think he's Negro Jesus.

You ain't wrong; I'm actually disappointed that our brethren here seem to have drunk the Tyson Kool-Ade based on the down votes.

HA! Down-voted within minutes. Defend your blind adoration of Tyson, you faggots!

I agree completely with you. Tyson is a worthless, pompous blowhard who speaks in the most condescending tone imaginable. If you disagree with him he merely appeals to authority, hurr durr, "who's the scientist?" He has to appeal to authority though because he's totally incapable of backing up with fact anything he says. Just another murderous con-man like Al Gore.

Tyson is supposed to be a glorious exemplar of modern science, and yet is actually the complete opposite. He has no capacity at all to actually make a scientific point which can be proven or disproven. Everything he says is religious gobbledygook, yet the people who believe in him walk around saying how pathetic religion is, while following their own fake savior. He really is a Jesus-like figure, but in the most terrible way imaginable, since he offers nothing of value to humanity. If what he says is based on science, then with the proper tools I should be able to see if what he says is fact or not. Since the basis of all science is replicability, since if I can't see how he came up with an answer then how can I know it's true or not. Instead he waves his hand, "the seeds of humanity came from Mars, is that not mind-blowing." That is pure religion and is based upon merely the belief in what he says.

Not to mention, he believes in man-made climate change, which alone proves how unintelligent he is and that he's just a pawn for media propaganda, as if it wasn't clear enough already.

I would love for him to be a blowhard, but he's not. Sorry.

you sound like that one caller that was dumb

Wow, you are so wrong.

Ooph! Totally agree with the hypocrisy WRT Jesus-status. I honestly wanted to hear a cogent argument of support for the Tyson sycophantcy, but I suppose the down-votes speak for themselves. Tyson's as much of a fraud as Ahppie; it's a shame our friends have not yet realized this.

Congrats to Ant... renting out studio time... Opie could not have pulled this off.. building a studio in NYC, building a network, the technology, etc.

they are still figuring how to get equipment in to the city

They can't figure out how to download adblock, much less do anything physical.

They figured out how to get $1000 worth of coins up to the studio to pay Eric back for giving out his phone number over the air. That's two hack shockjock bits for the price of one. What a cunt.

One of the most idiotic things Jimmy has ever said.

Must we make every God damn thing about Opie or can we just enjoy something for once?

... yes

He has a point, Ant was pushing for exactly this all along, and Opie (and a lot of you here) said it could never work. He's making it work. They could have had their production budget for an independent O&A show paid for by that studio. And with his connections in podcasting and VICE and shows like that who do a lot of studio work...hell, I'd be planning more rooms by now.

This is kind of repudiation for Ant. He's building the empire Opie thought they had.

Alot of people had good reason to doubt Anthony. Also Anthony would have stayed at SXM had no not been fired so let's not act like he had some incredible foresight here that Opie didn't. It would have never worked out anyway. They don't even get along. There is no way in hell they could have pulled this off together, and as far as I am concerned Anthony might be building a brand, but his past will only allow him to go so far. Also, Opie is still earning millions at SXM that Anthony isn't and Opies built his channel up a little.

It's not a fucking empire either just because NDT needed a studio to use. And again, can't we just enjoy something without invoking Opie into the God damn conversation?

Do you know how much money studios make? I'm guessing you don't, since you think Ant is only going to host NDT. He could, if he plays it right, and opens another room or two, make more than Opie easily, in NYC.

And, I'll talk about whatever the fuck I want to. You're free to leave anytime you want.

I didn't say he was only hosting NDT. I said don't quite call it an empire yet just because NTD did a show in his studio.

I'm aware that Anthony could be building something good here, but you're jumping the gun. He's got a long way to go before he's making SXM money again and even longer before you can call his podcast network an empire. He's not even in the same relam as Carolla, or Rogan and honestly Anthonys past will hurt his growth.

Opies probably making 3 mil.+ a year. I doubt Anthony is even coming close to that in yearly revenue much less take home profit. SXM pays for Opies staff. Anthony has to pay a staff, and the more he expands the more expensive that staff is going to get. He's also got other overhead Opie doesn't so let's not act like Anthony is rolling in money because of his channel just yet. I think you're jumping the gun a bit.

Say I'm jumping the gun one more time. I fucking got it the first time, sheesh. Pedantic this morning, are ya?

I'll speculate how I want. You're pulling numbers out of your ass, so I don't see how you're any better or worse than me, anyway.

You jumped the gun douchebag.

The funny part being Anthony has been lazy as fuck his whole career and you suddenly think he's about to have an empire. Lol.

Maybe Ant should run his eugenics spiel by him just for shits and giggles.

From the thumbnail I thought that was Bobo

Is that Eugene Mirmen?


He is the Jango fett to bobos clone trooper

Well if it aint Neil "The top end of the Bell Curve" Tyson.

What up Charles Murray.

Sup nigga.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking physics with Bobo would be one podcast I'd definitely watch. 2 hosts, minimum 100 IQ points difference between them, discussing matter, energy and force and their motion through space and time. Everyone's a winner.

we've already seen it. bobo's questions would be no different than opie's.


Wonder if Anthony shared any of his observations of old NASA control room photos with Neil?

I thought Bobo was interviewing NDT until I saw the person reading something.

Bobo looks at papers all the time.

As a racist and a space lover, I don't know how to feel about this.


who's dat?

I think that's Lamar

What's he doin to the flooas?

Y'all didn't know Ant was creating a broadcasting environment that would foster the creation of the first black space agency.
Ant is so misunderstood.

Le Black Science Man is legitimately great on the radio.

i rather read something positive about opie than tolerate this faggy reddit-gimmick of putting ''Le'' infront of people's names.

much like opie's career, this has to end immediately

It's an insult to Reddit, dude.

It started on 9gag you dunce.

Let's argue about memes.

/u/IAmBecomeGay for comment of the week


reminder: the holocaust started in germany, coincidentally i'm also from there.

The man in the subreddit

where u from mate?

i live in Bonn

riddle: you are the past, i'm the present and future

It ended there too, unfortunately.


lol, finally a big name guest in the studio and it's not even for a show on the network... man that shit is funny in so many ways.

Aren't you that guy who says "hens" a lot?

Tell me more

StarTalk? Or is it STAR-POWER?!

Bobo peaking late in life


Goddamn, props /u/anthonycumiashow. Even despite Keith and that fucking faggot Rat, your network is looking more legit by the day.

Also despite Ant himself

I thought that was Bobo for way too long

more shows for rat to fuck up?

So this show should be up Friday is my best guess. Looking forward to watching it!

"Tearing down the wall would cost half a million dollars". Still chuckle when i think about that.

Lamont Sanford is interviewing the owner/operator of the Midland, TX Super 8 motel.

Go Lee!

Why is noone asking the important questions:

Did Neil use the flaccid black cock bathroom key?

Hi bobo this is chawky....

Holy shit is that Bill Nye? Fuck, I'm all in with that guy.

I really hope the studio rental doesn't come with Rat. That would be an embarrassment.

Look at Neil's Mic. Gezuz christ that thing is set too high goddammit. Lower it up, point the mic up and you'll still get the same great sound quality and you won't cover the hosts Face. FFS RAT!!!

goddammit I'd pay so much for a 2 hour hangout between Ant and Neil degrasse tyson.

He should ask Neil when Opies asshole will self implode due to the forces of ego and desperation, aggravated by a dying career.

How big would the supernova be?

he couldnt have just gotten them to do his show? eugene mirman is hilarious. im surprised he was never on O&A. I think he woulda been good in a patton oswalt way.

I think he was on the show before, with vos nd kelly

I got a spook in my studio!


I wonder how Gavin feels about this

I don't know, but I bet it will be edgy as fuck

You know, Ant made a lot of bad decisions at the start of his show, but I think he is actually figuring it out.

This picture made me laugh harder than anything all day.

very cool, I wish nothing but the best for Ant. I just refuse to pay my money for right wing rants.. but if his own show becomes funny or attacts things like startalk I'm all in

Tyson is fucking awesome. Total stoner says some awesome shit, hope he does an interview on the TACS network soon. Maybe get stoned with LOS.

You know thats Carl Sagan that smoked weed and not Tyson right?

Tyson is stoned all the fucking time. He might not admit it but I know somebody who is stoned when I see it. You should be able to spot the red, glossy eyes, his slight smirks, the way he goes off on philosophical science fiction like its actually real. Plus he is totally influenced by Sagan.

He's said he doesn't smoke weed, on Rogan's podcast he didn't. I think he acts that way on purpose.

You have to remember the community he is attached to. I don't watch Joe's podcast ever since he transitioned into full blown daddy mode. However, Tyson has a lot at stake to admit hes a stoner. Hes a professor, scientist, TV personality. To admit he is a smoker would be pointless, there are others fighting that fight for him.

I've never seen somebody want another human being to use marijuana so badly.

Its not really that I want him to use marijuana, its just that I want him to smoke pot.

My mistake.


NDG is a closet stoner. He worked with Sagan's wife and friends closely and Seth Macfarlane and Neil were on Real Time w/ Bill Maher together and Seth mentioned something about them getting high together. A few years later they teamed up to produce "The Cosmos" w/ Sagan's old colleagues.

Remember Neil's a scientist who wants the public to take science seriously. He can't be preaching about weed at the same time.

Exactly my point. I mean it's a great idea adamantly deny the fact that youre a stoner so when you are high everywhere people just assume you arent high and thats just how you look.

I know this is a shocker but most smart people don't smoke weed.

That could probably be argued.

Making money of studio rentals, not a bad idea when your trying to make ends meet.

Multiple income streams


I highly recommend Black Science Man's recent version of Cosmos.

so you can be talked down to like you're 9 years old?

Doesn't Ant know that Tyson is a complete leftist wacko? What the fuck, Ant?

Tyson is a complete leftist wacko?

Because he believes in space?

How can liberals know space is a vacuum if none of them have been there without a spacesuit?

How did the moon get there, you pinheads? "Oh, Bill..."

No. His Twitter feed is super anti-gun. Boo.

You must be a treat in real life.

people that I work with HAVE to have the same opinion as me! There should be no room for debate!

this is what you sound like

lol hes a scientist

No. His Twitter feed is super anti-gun. Boo.

How can liberals know space is a vacuum if none of them have been there without a spacesuit?

I would love for him to be a blowhard, but he's not. Sorry.

you sound like that one caller that was dumb

Ooph! Totally agree with the hypocrisy WRT Jesus-status. I honestly wanted to hear a cogent argument of support for the Tyson sycophantcy, but I suppose the down-votes speak for themselves. Tyson's as much of a fraud as Ahppie; it's a shame our friends have not yet realized this.

Wow, you are so wrong.