Is sam's possibly ex wife hot?

1  2015-12-08 by TedChrist

I've heard the gang talking about her on the show saying she's out of sam's league. Does anyone know what she looks like?


One thing I've noticed is comedians describe every woman they banged as the hottest woman ever or the rare occasion where they were laughably ugly. They're probably only exaggerating on the former.

Sam still wears a wedding ring, but it could be a symbol of his love for Opie.

She's decent. Sam is a repellent genetic disaster. He is a literal genetic disaster. So you have to take that into consideration.

"She" is a Japanese Sex Pillow in the form of Mankind.

She's kind of a pudge, but her gut is not bigger than her tits. So it passes as fuckable.

It makes me happy that Erock's wife is much more attractive than Sam's.

Erock makes A LOT more money. BTW - Erock army, n person.

If you skip to the last minute or so Sam is on too

She looks like a mixture of Meadow Soprano and Casey Kasem.

Throw in a dash of Carrie Fisher and Chevy Chase.

She's actually better than I thought, but that video reeally felt like it should have been a VideOandA. I expected huge laughter from Ant and Jim when they panned back to reveal sam on the couch.

Wait, is that real? That fat midget is Sam's life partner? Holy fuck.

real deal brotherman

I wouldn't fuck her with Vos' dick.

Unless I was really drunk.

that's why you're still a virgin

Ant always acted like she was the hottest thing. She is way out of ant's league based on how well adjusted she is alone.

Sam is as gay as they come. Remember all the gay roleplay he willingly participated in. He has no wife, she left him after the brazilian vacation.

she's a pretty girl, but they always blew it way out of proportion and made her seem like a supermodel.

When she is interviewing Sam she looks like a regular adult interviewing a local high school boy.

he looks so stupid sitting on that couch.

She's a normal looking chick.



She could be a vegetable and still way out of Sam's league.

Are you into the pudgy-frump midget style?

She accepted my follow request on instagram. Her and sam are still toget together. She still posts pictures of him all the time. As for her looks, shes abouta 6
Shes jesssuspenders on instagram

There's an album of pictures somewhere online, I'm sure someone has a link. They were on the photographers website.

Google it


She's not hot, but she isn't an embarrassment either.

A solid NY 6 - possibly 7 when dolled up.

im so lonely

Yes she is attractive. She's probably a New York 6 / Cincinatti 9. Certainly way out of that troll's league, which she apparently realized...

Maybe a Jersey Turnpike 6. If she doesn't smell like poop.

If she's a jersey turnpike 6 then she's definitely a south philly 4, we maybe ugly here in philly, but she's frumpy even by our standards. Btw lynsi is a philly 9... A 7 if she has the atrocious philly accent.

Get oudda da wooder!