Parallels between Steve C. and Opie

10  2015-12-08 by pitstained

Mammaries aside, many, MANY times in the past, Opie would put on his bigboy voice and pretend to give Steve advice on how to "handle his guys". He used to tell Steve that nobody in the office respects him because he can't take a joke. Tits was perfectly describing his own situation with Ant & Jimmy. He gave Steve so much shit because he knew on some level that he was in the same boat.

That said, Steve did a lot for the show, way more than Tits ever contributed. I guess that's where the similarities end. RIP Steven Carr, it should've been the Opster.


"Parallels between Steve C. and Opie

We can only hope.

Steve did what we wish Opie would do.

Be entertaining on the radio show?

You could uhh...say that..If you are an optimist.

Though I believe everyone elses interpretation of my comment may imply something different.

hmm I'm trying to figure out what it is. Things Steve did. He was in a band and sang pendulum.

Wore flame clothing.

Oh! get his stomach stapled? That's probably not it.

Get fired? That is probably it.

What else did Steve C do? Let's see. After he was off the show he...OH MY GOD! You guys want Opie to....

That's just too far guys. I love a good joke as much as anyone but this is just in poor taste.

ME: Where was I when he needed me?


I wonder how many times he let the phone ring.

Steve C's girlfriend was fucked and got pregnant twice by Bam?