Dr Steve with the big get. Includes Lady Di's son

19  2015-12-08 by Dennyislife


Live from the U.S.S. Waterbuffaler.

funny shit

I feel so sorry for that kid, just knowing how much I love my own mother. I'm just incredibly lucky my mother is a lovely, hard working, caring and loving woman who would not put her own selfish needs above everybody else's. I know even if she was a state, I'd still love her, and it would feel so bad, though.

I can only hope he's a blithering boob, just as generally unaware as his mother. But I fear not.

Don't forget his dad put himself infront of a train.

Smooch a train.

mmm perhaps the son is the common denominator here...

May be.


Just curious, does her son seem mentally healthy? I know she said he worked and was doing good but that could've been drunk rambling.

Anthony makes reference to him seeming a little retarded as a kid on one old show.

Aw poor thing never had a chance being raised by the water buffaler

I don't think the train guy was his father. I think it was her long term boyfriend and she'd already had her son by some other dude. Her stories were always garbled, who knows?

It was her baby daddy. She always made a point to clarify that he was never her husband.

god bless your mudder. saint on eart.

There's been enough evidence that she abandoned her son and has been a manipulative, lying, loathsome piece of shit her entire life. I don't feel sorry for her for a second but I feel bad that the son seems decent enough to take care of this piece of garbage.

It wasn't my fault I was out drinking, doing coke, and getting fucked in the ass when I was in my teens! My dad would cook on the stove and sometimes the flames would go really high so I would get scared and leave.

^ actual Lady Di excuse used on the radio.

Link or it didn't happen.

I think in the case of Lady Di, we can assume it happened but we'd still like to see it

I know even if she was a state, I'd still love her,

What if she was a province tss

Or a territory! Fawkin' Canadian geography 'umah


He's not asking for much, just prayers. It's the least we could do for this poor, young lad. I've already given two prayers. I'll give at least 20 more today but I'm very generous, always have been. You don't have to be as stellar as me. Maybe just give one prayer.

And make sure it's a real prayer, in the name of Jesus, to the real and only true God. Don't do any stupid bullshit prayer to the universal consciousness or sun gods or god of healing or mother nature or Allah. These prayers to fake, stupid gods are waste of time; you might as well pray to santa.

Do a real prayer to the REAL God so that it actually works. You'll come across like a delusional weirdo if you sit there and pray to stupid, made up, fairy tale gods. Not to mention it obviously won't do anything and it will be a waste of time.

you say odd shit bro



I don't know what his deal is, honestly.

If Steve had any shock jock in him, he would go on a 20 minute diatribe over the injuries a train can do to a human body.

Then ask the boy if he knows how fast the train was going, so he can calculate the amount of "Floooids" exploded out of the body upon impact.

Alas, Steve is a genuinely nice guy. But still very entertaining.

I know, I was being silly.

I love Dr. Steve, and like listening to him.

The Doc is given the same level of worship that Ron Bennington gets.

Dr. Steve and Norton in the morning would be a fucking winner.

It would be a new Loveline, but for horrific infections!


We had our update. She's in the Navy!

On board the USS, what's it called...

No one help him!

Where we docked at?

Oh, no no no no no.

I'm in the Navy!?

Sam should have her on his show:

"Hey Di, what are you, like, on Mars or something?"

"Yes, I'm on Mars, in a canoe."

"Alright then."

its lights off in the navy at 9 though.


2015-12-08 14:09:07 UTC

Complete Diana Orbani update this week at 10pm EST on SiriusXM 206/103.

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The good Doctor deleted the tweet as he forgot to say what day https://twitter.com/weirdmedicine/status/674255449345171456



2015-12-08 15:53 UTC

Complete Diana Orbani update this SATURDAY at 10pm EST on SiriusXM 206/103.


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Is it fucked up to cancel plans to listen to this?

Hell no. I am.

You've peaked my interest, Dr. Steve.

Sorta wish I had a SXM sub. Not enough to make me give those cocksuckers another dime but you know...

Will be on his podcast Tuesday

Psst... https://www.siriusxm.com/SXM30DayOnlineTrial - Just make up an email address every 30 days no credit card needed. I haven't paid for SXM in over a year. Has all of the XL channels and On Demand shows.

You da real MVP


Having Di as a mother is like 'Boy named Sue': Hes either tougher than a coffin nail, or utterly fucked up.

It would be a new Loveline, but for horrific infections!