The irony didn't escape me while watching Fallon tonight...

97  2015-12-08 by drunk8gods


Has Fallon been manipulated?

Anthony Cumia has gotten control of the HAARP System. Wake up and smell the thermite paint people .


It's TV's Opie. He's bald and wearing a hat to cover it up. And it says "walking on eggshells."

Yes, that is a common phrase, but what are the odds of all those things happening at the same time?

While sitting across from a comedian called Jimmy.

I'm just asking questions! I was a Navy SEAL!

I was a Navy SEAL!

"...a Governor...a FIGHTER!"

We are living in a simulation!

I bet one of the writers takes a peek around here for a little taste.

I wanna disagree, but late night shows are so unfunny these days... who knows!

A coincidence you say? Okay bud, you can believe that line if you want, I think I'll go with my gut feeling on this one.

When Jimmy was on that show a few years ago The Roots played his Van Halen parody song "We're back and we're better than ever", Jimmy didn't even notice because he's musically retarded, but someone there must have been a fan of the show.

that's amazing

feat. ?uestlove's son on bass

And he's bald.

This sub is going to end in a death cult after seeing Opie in everything on tv and thinking its all a coded message.

Steering the ship

i dunno what the fuck the odds are, and i'm sure it's all coincidental, but I really can't help but suspect the opester will take this VURRY personally.

I don't think it's coincidence. Fallon used to do the show and his writing staff probably listens. Probably threw that in as in joke.

No, dude. That's crazy talk, that's "illuminati signs in movies" type thinking.

You can believe that establishment lie if you want. I'll go with my instincts, I was a Navy SEAL after all

Just asking questions

Because no late night talk show writers have ever been fans of the show before, right?

Sure, O and A had/have plenty of celebrities who were legitimate fans of the show. But, people can be fans and not obsess over it or be apart of their every waking moment like some people in this sub. This is a pretty crazy coincidence, but I've seen bigger crazier coincidences in my own LIFE. South Park has millions upon millions of fans, but other than talking about it when it's relevant, I don't see anyone doing nudge nudge wink wink references. I would expect those more than a radio team with a maximum of a few hundred thousand listeners at its height.

tl;dr Maybe if you type another wall of text I'll read it. Are all plebbitors this long-winded?

It's a paragraph. Go take your lithium, might leave room for more than the voices in your head.

I don't get the joke. Maybe you should write a treatise explaining it.

Good one...

I know. That's why I wrote it.

complete lunacy

ME: Jimmy Fallon used to be a friend of the show, he got too big for us. sniff


Hi Danny!!!



fuck your downvotes. this nowhere close to "irony".

People think coincidence and irony are synonymous

Ron howard. Played opie on Andy Griffith.

Does he really need to wear the baseball hat all the time even with suits? Ron we all know your bald. You've been bald about 30 years now. Nobody cares.

I don't think people care either way he's bald. Some people look good bald, Ron Howard looks ghoulish without hair.

He looks fine.

Good find that's damn funny. But yeah that is not irony , friendo :)

Me: Leave it alone.

I was on little sleep and couldn't decide on coincidence vs. irony, you ASS. What can I say, I chose poorly, PERIOD!

English isn't my first language, too...SNIFF

"Hahha hahha so Ron hahahha your nostalgic hahahha ha so am I that's what makes me cool hahhaha ever watched family matters?? Hahhaha ". * stands up and sings the song*

The difference between irony and coincidence really isn't that hard to grasp, you know.


I guess knowing what irony is did escape you though

Coincidence, not irony

That's a common phrase.

that's amazing