Opie showed me who he really is when i met him

123  2015-12-07 by DButler1979

Here is my one personal experience I had with this douche. So I have been a listener for a long time, not sure exactly how long but I was at the first softball game in Newark. Anyway for years I heard him mention how his in laws were big Dolphins fans and he wanted to get them Dan Marinos autograph. The last time he mentioned it, before christmas of 2013 i figured id reach out to him on twitter because I was in a position to help him. At first he wouldnt respond til i mentioned a mutal friend we had in common so he knew that I was for real. Totally understandable. I go back and forth with him on DM and he says he wants to get helmet signed. No problem. Dan gets things thrown in his face to sign ALL the time and i have seen it get annoying or him. He always handles it with class even though it would get to most people. One helmet is not a big deal and he would do it for me no problem. So I set up a time to opie and kenny to come by and drop it off.

They show up after a show one day and i go up to the car and meet them. Opie says "bro i have 3 helmets is that cool? Oh and Jimmy has a football he wants signed". Im like sure, but it would have been nice if i had a heads up. Not only do i have to lug all the shit around. Up to my office and then over to Dan to get signed but its always 4 things instead of one. Whatever, i offered and im happy to do Jim a favor too. We bullshit for a minute and opie says at one point "we should hang out, gimme a call and come up to the studio any time man". As a fan im thinking awesome, i mean i know he really doesnt want to "hang out" i have been around enough "famous" people to know when theyre just being phony nice guys saying the right thing. Guy Fieri is one example I had this experience with. I did however think he was serious about coming up to the studio. We say goodbye and thats that That weekend I get everthing signed and let him know.

Now its december and I know he wants them for christmas. TEN DAYS LATER after messaging him 3 times he finally comes to pick them up(my office in 12 blocks from where he lives, literally). He comes back with Kenny and Kenny comes to grab the stuff. He doesnt come out of the car or even roll down the window to thank me. Forget any offer of any money or anything for doing this for him. Not that I expected it, but around christmas it would have been nice to offer. I ask Kenny if I could get a picture with opie, and he reluctantly gets out of the car to oblige. Drives away and thats that.

Shortly after this i get diagnosed with cancer and dont get a chance to message him about coming to the studio. Months go by and i message him about him getting me into the unmasked and explain why i had been going thru. I know it may not be possible so I tell him not to worry about it if he cant. 2 weeks go bye and no response. I message him back and tell him not for nothing but i did you a favor, a simple response that you cant do it would be nice. Blowing me off like that is just shitty. He doesnt respond to that either, so I copy it from my DMS and put in on twitter publicly. He responds immediately and says im sorry your upset but I havent checked my DMs in WEEKS. Funny, you seem to be right on it when i was doing you a favor, guess it doesnt work the other way. I tell him if that really is the case my bad for thinking the worst. I realy do not think it was the case though. He says it absolutely is the case, send me your address and ill send you some stuff. I say no thanks and thats that.



meets opie

gets cancer

Still not the worst outcome.

Imagine if he had to actually 'hang out' with that geriatric bag of tit meat.

'Come on up mahhhn, grab a grapefruit road soda and put your feet up. You like TLC brother?'

you like TLC brother

Omg this is overly exact.

God, you fucks are funny.

It's pretty strange, ain't it? These guys are some of the funniest people I've noticed on the internet, and all they do is deconstruct a shock jock and expose his insecurities. They should write for SNL.

Honestly, over the last year or two, nothing, nothing has made me laugh like this sub. From the day greggshells was coined, up to the legend of baldopie, I knew this sub was something special.

"OK everyone, who has ideas for new sketches this week?"

*80 hands go up*

"How many aren't about obscure radio personalities?"

*hands drop*

he's the dr manhattan of radio

Hey, that was a setup, you know.

Blame the lack of chemistry

lol @ Opie's wide-open fly in the picture

Kenny forgot to button it back up after he was finished. That's right, Kenny sucks his peckah.

The douche wears his corporate ID outside the office...

Remember that time Vos said Opie was desperate to be noticed in public?

He's wearing it outside, and letting it hang in full public view.

button-fly, too. what a fuckin' trend setter.

you saw it? I thought I was doing it wrong and deleted it.


So did you die from the cancer?


Fuckin' Opie.

was it Non-Greggshells Lymphoma, or breast cancer?

(glad you're better!)

Your keyboard got stuck.

I wish yours would.

That's terrible, I'm sorry.

CTRL-F = 0 "pekahs"


If by OP you mean Opie then yes, I hope he gets cancer too.

The worst part of this story is that you were such a big opie/Kenny mark. Shameful.

Those two are the shittiest people associated with the show. What do you expect?

Put aside your accusations - We are all brothers in Hate now.

Cast not your hatred on this man for his late arrival, but, accept him; embrace him as your brother in Hate almighty.

“The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

“But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

bunch of dolts working for denarius instead of modern currency.

Yeah but you can buy people for like 3000 denarii and fuck them in the face whenever

I'm actually kind of surprised. For as shitty as Opie is in general life, I'd always heard that he was pretty pleasant and gracious with fans, probably because he's so desperate for adoration. I should have figured that his one saving grace was bullshit.

Being honest, I actually kind of believe that he didn't check his DMs.

He's a faaaather! Who has time!?

I think were the only sub that has less sympathy for someone after they say they have cancer

"...i was diagnosed with cancer"


All jokes aside folks thats really shitty of him.

wild sub

Can you get Marino to sign a pair is Isotoners for me??

Right after he signs my coke mirror.

I'm starting to like Opie now.

Agreed, fucking with people who have cancer will always be hilarious in my book

What's the name of your book?

"Hard to Kill: The Unauthorized Biography of Debra Winger" in stores this summer

I'd have boaned her back in the day.

(fargo voice) So opie was getting stuffed signed by the little guy, yeah?

You betcha

The greatest thing about this sub is that even the most ardent Opie haters will put that aside to come together and attack one of their own.

His refusal to get out of the car is the douchiest thing he could have possibly done. You should have given him a Kennedy greeting.

Choosing to do favors for an unfunny bore was your first mistake.

You should have pressed your bare asshole up against the helmets. That's how normal people get revenge.


You peel back the padding in the helmet and smear diarrhea on the inside of the helmet, replace the padding, nobody is the wiser.

So are you like, the Dolphins' assistant to the traveling secretary?

Have you started the project?!

Man that sucks. But if you really wanted to hang out with Guy Fieri you should have just shown him your asshole & back-sack.

What type of cancer do you have? Brain? All joking aside, stinks you have cancer :( Thoughts and prayers.

Oh great, now Opie might catch the gay cancer


You should've signed 3 of the 4 things yourself, with PECKAS.

Double helmets, cocksucka.

this story is so awful im not surprised you have cancer

What an asshole. I don't doubt a single thing you said. Hope u gave him ur cancer

Legitimate five or six laughs from this thread. You people are the worst and I thank you for your service.

Didn't we have someone else with the big casino here as well?

He done gone got.




( only jk FuckinPeckas )

What a lactating sack of shit. Probably couldn't get out of the car because he was pumping.

What bothers me most about this story is that OP went out of his way to contact Opie and to help Opie get something - in time for Christmas.

Anyone else would have been over-the-top appreciative. Maybe they would give OP some signed merch, tickets to Norton at the Borgata, etc.

This asshole doesn't even get out of the car to pick up the stuff and thank the guy.

I think Opie is at the point where he expects everything to be handed to him and has no appreciation for any of it. Just like Ant said, Opie never worked a real job for shit money so he never experienced what everyone else goes through.

He's gonna bring up his inane teen year(s) of being a caddy. This dickhead admittedly caddied for rich people who I'm sure tipped him well on top of being paid. All he has is this one example from decades ago that was better than most kids jobs.

Rich people? Ahem, I think you meant to say the mob.

white samsung gloves mother hugger

ofc not he had no more use for that guy

Button fly douche.

Fuck you, fuck Dan Marino, and fuck Gregg Hughes.

You forgot Kenny.

I'm waiting for someone to dig up an old ebay auction where Tits sold 3 signed helmets & a football...

Oh my god that would be good

Can't wait to see what Bald Opie does with this.

What a shocker, a manlet displeased with the amount of attention he received from a celebrity.

Little fellers usually handle their rage so well....

I'm 5'6" and found this funny.

I'm displeased and found this funny.

Isn't Opie himself a 5'8" manlet?

Opie has said he's 5'11" on air.

Too bad it wasn't finger cancer

He's a douche, but I hope you're doing ok man. Sorry about the diagnosis, Opie is a fuck face for not responding.

if you ask me you're both assholes

That's quite the tumor you have standing next to you fella.

Your face in that pic says it all haha, looking like some politician's wife feigning solidarity with her cheating spouse.


Tough break, bud. How are you doing?

Shit, I was hoping this would be a Chip roll.

I was holding on waiting to get Chip rolled with some big fuckin PECKAS.

His mothers dead bud!

Was really hoping for "peckahs" at the end of this one. Hope you get better.

Holy shit, you're a midget.

So what did you do with the groceries?

I really hope this story is complete bullshit and you just wanted to post the picture of Opie with his fly open

You sound like a jilted lover.

You know, you literally could have just gone to Ants house, told him you went through cancer and were a fan and he would have invited you in for a beer.... Plus you would at least be around someone that's actually funny.

Honestly I've thought about how Ant would have been much cooler about it. I doubt he would have invited me, but I would bet he would have broke me off some cash. Opie didn't consider that, just a free Christmas gift for the millionaire.

Thank you for further confirming that Opie really is an ass and I'm not just bandwagon hating him. I have never heard of a more selfish person and Kenny is an idiot to follow him around like a lost puppy.

I would follow Hitler like a lost puppy for good paycheck

Yeah I guess we all would. I remember cringing every time I heard Kenny lovingly say GH.

So what happened to the fella with the cancer


This is exactly how I expected Opie to be in the real world.

Man that's tough, i knew exactly how you feel. Not the cancer stuff but the getting blown off by someone who owe you a favor but doesn't really need you anymore. Best of luck with the cancer man. Hope you'll pull through. Stay positive.

You're a short little fella.


He responds immediately and says im sorry your upset but I havent checked my DMs in WEEKS. Funny, you seem to be right on it when i was doing you a favor, guess it doesnt work the other way.

But you just said...

Now its december and I know he wants them for christmas. TEN DAYS LATER after messaging him 3 times he finally comes to pick them up(my office in 12 blocks from where he lives, literally).

Yeah, I noticed that took. He's a cunt, let that be apparent from his actions, not need to stack the deck.

Say hello to the cunts at Inside Edition, 13th floor.

This is like the most random attack since Colonel Jessup went after Lt Weinberg.

The most interesting part of this crybaby tale was the building in the background of the pic, so I just went with an opie funfact to pump up the interest. snnniiiffffpeckahs


damn bro, i hope you feel better and get better

but..... thats what you get for trying to be friendly with her, tits is an ungrateful fuck

Btw, Opie's fly is unbuttoned in picture.

You should have signed those items yourself and then mocked him on social media.

In Opie's defense maybe he could tell you had the cancer and didn't want to get sick too. He has a show to do you know. Good luck bro!

if that's how it happened then opie really is a douche. what a dickhead. bro, how tall are you? i thought opie was just a little guy? hope you're doing better with your health and shit.

I hate the titsters rugged ''prepared for the wilderness'' shitty beard, with the most expensive climbing/walking boots. Fucking tosspot.

Cancer should have killed you before writing this post.

Yeah, but you're like half the size of a normal man, so you really only deserve half the respect.

Opie's fucking fly is open. Jesus Christ. How the hell do you forget to button up your pants?

I think I'm on to something. Retards can't tie their shoes so they wear velcro sneakers and that's why we heard all the stories about Opie wearing sweatpants. It all makes sense now.

He looks like a fat Frodo (the OP).

Why don't people realize that pressing the enter key and putting a little space between blocks of text will get more people to read their horseshit? No one wants to dig through a giant black square of letters.

holy shit, is that better? Cunt.

Yes, now can you get me fourteen things signed by Wednesday?

We can hang out for an hour afterward.

How fucking low is your IQ that you struggle to get through that? It's barely article length. Have you ever read a book you worthless cunt? Even 8 year olds can get through Harry Potter, of which this is roughly equivalent to one page.

Being a fucking idiot is one thing. Unabashedly displaying it to others and demanding that they adjust to your stupidity means your family should not be allowed to reproduce. You are a living argument for eugenics.


What fucking books are you reading that don't have paragraphs?

Haha. Nice one!

Hey man, RELAX! He has finger-cancer.

Opie didn't grow his lumberjack beard until a few months ago. I call bullshit and you look 5 foot tall little man

He had the beard for years. Watch the episode after Ant's firing

Yeah, didn't he start growing it after Patrice died?

He has a small goatie you dumb American you go watch the fucking video. He is full lumber jack in the picture and only got that recently. Sorry your wrong and im right, please don't mass shoot me

Opie has never once had a goatee. You might be thinking of Ant

He's thinking of Guy Fieri

It's a blonde goalie that blends in cos it's scruffy and he is a pasty fuck with his blonde hair, watch the video

Jeez Mister, tell us how you really feel!

Waaa baby boy. Going to cry because your hero Opie didn't want to be your best friend?

Are you really so stupid THAT was what you got out of it? I didn't expect or want to be his friend and if he hadn't OFFERED I would have never contacted him about coming to the studio. The point is he offered and when I tried to take him up on it he blew me off. Most people in the public eye are not like this and are actually genuine. No the opster, he is as fake as they come. There was no need to say "we should hang" or "come up to the studio sometime" he could have left if with a thank you. That's all.

I can't wait to read Paragraph 2

I've put it on my calendar for next Monday



You peel back the padding in the helmet and smear diarrhea on the inside of the helmet, replace the padding, nobody is the wiser.

Opie has never once had a goatee. You might be thinking of Ant

"Hard to Kill: The Unauthorized Biography of Debra Winger" in stores this summer

Jeez Mister, tell us how you really feel!



( only jk FuckinPeckas )