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3  2015-12-07 by guitarded007

Has anyone listened to the latest episode with all the Opie channel people? Ester ku (or however u spell it) kind of disses opie in the beginning. I get the vibe there's a beef with them. Between this and the cumia fight she started (or whatever that was), just wondering if anyone has any insight on it. I don't understand why she would be so pissy with opie.


Two guesses - Opie is just a dislike-able, narcissistic, impersonal, retard, hacky, disingenuous, fun trampling, prick and also Ester is tired of all the hate she gets from the "fans" and thinks if she turns on Opie we will embrace her...which we did.

I'm pretty sure this was recorded the day before the Opie/Jim fight. I'm guessing Esther asked Tits to be on her podcast & instead of politely declining he claimed that he doesn't do podcasts.

That's what I was thinking.

I didn't think she was dissing Opie.