Tssss he's here, on Re-ditt

29  2015-12-07 by [deleted]



And Saint Bald Opie chimes in to bless us again in the comments.

jesus christ he's a master

He's a national treasure.

On there stirrin' up the fuckin' haters? sniff

sniff, PERIOD

what does he mean by latin?

i think it autocorrected "payin me" Chip says stuff like "They shood be fukkin payin me" a lot

Good call, bro. I didn't make that connection.

I was trying to shoe-horn Latin into Likin' in Chip's voice for some dumb reason. lol

Oh, chip.

He was trying to do an AMA here on Opie VS Jimmy day last week but got put on the pay no mind list.


I_hate_knickers is so cringeworthy in that thread. It's delicious

he really was being a faggot itt


2015-12-07 18:54:30 UTC

Tssss hay sock cuckas I herd I'm on Re-ditt thay shood be fukkin Latin me

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That Kelsey Cook broad posing with Chip in the tweet below that is a real looker, wowzers gang! I guess she's a comedienne, I bet she's a real hoot. I can't think of a male comic I actually find funny who's physically appealing to anyone.

She's Jim's opener...

Has Jim ever had a male opener?

Be. more. funny.