What if?

34  2015-12-07 by TedChrist

What if opie hates Jims characters because they're veiled attacks on him? Look at chip: Chip will interrupt the show so he can throw out a mighty bomb and wreck everything. He also is full of shit and tells obvious lies related to show discussion. Sound like a certain someone? What about Cregg Schinkel? Spelled with two G's. Like a certain Gregg spelled with two G's. Ted Sheckler: barging in plugging his terrible business ventures. Sound like a certain restauranteur? I think perhaps the reason opie hates these characters that jimmy does is because they all hit a little close to home. And that's why ant loves them so much. Cuz they couldn't outright trash opie on air, so our sweet little boy came up with another way to shit on him. Just Shinkleboutit.


Chip is the voice Opie hears in his own head. When ever Jim does Chip, Opie takes it as a personal attack on him.

Lil' Chippy Hughes worked for the mafia. Legit tho

I gotta keep it vague, I just realized.

Because I'm lying.


I always thought Harry hater was opie's shit version of Chip

Everytime I hear or read the name Harry hater, I want to kill myself Indiana-Jones style with a rope and ceiling fan.

Harry Hater is the Rosetta Stone to Opie's concept of humor.


You'd need a spit guard if Vos said that...


Jim has definitely used Uncle Paul and Chip to defuse Opie and get the show back on track a few times

And if this isn't true, it doesn't matter because Opie has now read this, and he will hold this against Jim.


Jesus. That's actually a brilliant theory. Let's all agree that it is. It'll be true if we repeat it enough. :D

People say this shit every couple weeks. Its true though, chip is opie and ant is uncle paul.

Hahahaha! I just joined Reddit, but Jesus I didn't see Uncle Paul as Ant either.

I'm a dullard, I swear to Based Denny. Jesus.

Chip is definitely based on Opie and Uncle Paul is based on Ant. As for Craig Shinkel, that came about when they read a news story a few years ago and that was the guy's name.

I can't imagine how dumb you'd have to be to hear the Chip character and think "what is this? how do I handle this?"

It really is the height of idiocy.

You pause for the silence, you laugh, and then you say "Chip fucking stinks." How fucking hard is that?

I wish I could find the clip, but I've heard Opie say tsss before. Chip is at least 50 percent Opie.

Also, on Jimmy's advice show once, someone was talking about the Chip character and Jimmy said something to the effect of, "I know dude - I've been working around people like that my whole life."

Chip is absolutely 100% Opie. This is direct from Stettens mouth

Wait...what? When? We need an AMA with Stetten.

Ask her yourself... Do a "whois" on CumiaCompound.com and call the 269 number.

My guess is Chip is a character Jim created to be funny and MAYBE stole a couple Gregg Hughes mannerisms as a subtle joke. But we all know Shelly reads everything here after his blowout with Jim, so my guess is the child of the 80s read someone's quack theory that Chip is Opie and bought all in.

In other words, everything that's been intended to happen, is happening.

Also thermite paint.

Shinkelbou....tit? Jimmy, you evil genius!


But this would imply a level of self-awareness that Opie doesn't have.