Ant_Sucks' Razor: The explanation for why Ant's show is terrible is probably the simplest one.

0  2015-12-07 by Ant_Sucks

He sucks.

There have been so many convoluted explanations offered for why TACS is bad: no Jimmy, no NYC studio, Keith is a bad manager, etc. In reality, these convoluted answers are nothing more than excuses.

Face it: when it comes to explaining the abortion that is that show the simplest answer is probably the right one. Ant sucks and his show fucking stinks.


Hi Opie!

He uses words that are much too big to be in Opie's vocabulary. I'm guessing someone in the Philly crew.

Ant_Sucks' Razor: The object he should drag across his wrists at the nearest possible opportunity.

Day drinking again are we?

Only on days of the week where my last name is Cumia.


Nice try Ope...

Ant_Sucks: "I need you to notice me me me me me"

Tss... why don't ya complain to dollar shave club or sumptin'?...tss.

Did anyone else see Ant's twitter feed last night? I thought I was gonna puke. That guy is sickly sweet.

What? Where he pretended to have a deep respect for hunters, but also "loves animals", just to start the licking of Joe Rogan's balls early. If he loves animals so much, why isn't he vegan.

Well, that and also the "so proud of you" speech to Sam as if he were on his death bed. It's like he's incapable of being mean in a funny way without qualifying it with some drippy horseshit.

I don't like Anthony's views on anything besides Opie. I think he is a white trash idiot. However his show has been great, the recent Soder episode is as good as most classic O&A shows, the thanksgiving show was hilarious. I want to hate the man but he is entertaining. sorry.

That is contrary to the evidence. Anthony was funny for 20 years. It doesn't make sense to say that he suddenly started sucking. More likely, I do not think he is currently playing the role that allows him to shine. He's a reactionary comic, and requires someone to riff with. He doesn't do as well as the sole host of a show.


I know this is something that can be applied to practically everyone here, but you are so fucking biased dude. I'd never bother saying it if it weren't for the fact that you keep trying to add credence to your opinions by calling them "laws" or invoking occam's razor. I'd say that the reason his show sucks (from what i've seen) is that he isn't playing to his strengths when presenting alone and it also leaves him more time to rant about race etc. Just an opinion though.

I don't make the make laws. I just observe them.

Looks like someone watched Contact...

Well, that and also the "so proud of you" speech to Sam as if he were on his death bed. It's like he's incapable of being mean in a funny way without qualifying it with some drippy horseshit.