chip ruins the mood is on the front page of this whole shitty site

79  2015-12-07 by [deleted]

just so you know


Damn that nigga chip got a nigga.

ribs hurtin today!

Suck a dick today!

This nigga Chip retarded.


mite b retarded 4 real, so if he is god b wit him


chip HELLA ugly

some one on there provided a pretty accurate insight to the mentality of chip

"he's obviously trying to cover up the pain with laughter.

so sad :("

this site does stink. and the comments on there are pretty indicative of that

its an entire community of radio holes.

i haaaaaate this site

you guys here are fun though

...."Don't come to reddit on Monday"

To add to the Reddit hate, check out the subreddit /r/creepyPMs

Fucking weak, corny website. Whiteknights politely chortling at attention whore women who post screencaps of horny messages they get from guys. All of the chicks are trying to show off their sarcasm and sense of humor by being sassy to the men who are just trying to get a nut off online.

I find /nosleep so much worse, Opie level obvious bullshit stories everyone else is supposed to pretend is legit, fucking nonsense

The absolute worst of the "original content" subs is /r/writingprompts. It's all just embarassingly childish garbage. Reddit is an international shame with its obsession with pointless novelty and this is literally the only good subreddit.

Check out /r/LetsNotMeet. A bunch of women with rape fantasies making up stories about some creepy guy that bothered them. Some may be real, but you can tell most are fake.

LOL. A few of those popped up one day for me one day before I could unsubscribe from it, and I read one of the posts and said how it was obviously baloney, and the people haaaated me I had no idea the point was to believe made up stories on purpose. What the fuck is the point of that

I like some of the PMs but the comments suck. Even Cringe has kinda gone to shit. i just looked at it and this was on there. It's supposed to be meant for people making asses out of themselves, does "homophobia" seriously make anyone cringe? And the opie and jimmy fight was posted on there and a lot of the comments are just sickening.

Yes, exactly. People post racist and homophobic memes on there missing the point entirely.

But that was a video of someone making an ass out of themselves. If you don't think a video of a football announcer talking about teaching his kids how to catch a ball and then goes into the soft tenderness of the human hand before stopping and saying that what he said was kinda gay before falling silent as both he and his broadcast partner realize that he just got himself fired. If that's not cringe than I don't know what is.

Ohh I thought it was the other guy who said "thats kinda gay" and everyone was completely ignoring the other guys 'tenderness' tangent. But if the focus was on him I take it back it was definitely cringeworthy. Still, the comments calling it homophobic are pretty stupid.

I bet most of the people commenting didn't even watch the video.

The fucking worst. Reddit stinks, comment sections on the Internet generally stink. This sub is the last refuge for funny dark uncomfortable humor.

No, it's not. You just have to unsub from the shitposting default subs. They are all garbage.

No, every single subreddit on this website sucks- even the ones for specialized interests or fan communities you'd think would be immune to it. Look at /r/redlettermedia for an example.


Go to /r/h3h3productions. I like the YouTube channel OK enough, but their fans are retarded, they just repeat the same "GONE SEXUAAAAL" line over and over and get upvoted.

The fan base on 4chan, youtube, facebook and RLM are great. It's only Reddit that attracts the fedora-wearing faggots.

I like immature comments with racial slurs and angry name-calling like on youtube. Reddit users for the most part think theyre above that, then find things like puns, switching words around, and repeating the same corny thing over and over again funny. It's seriously the least funny shit every.

You like YouTube comments? Oh boy...

Not all the time, but theyve made me laugh way more than any reddit comments ever have(not counting here).

Aside from this sub and r/hiphopheads reddit can eat a dick

smdh fam tbh

Hahaha don't forget their pictures which are almost always this

You're not a fan of karma trains?


In West Philadelphia....

...born and raped.

I like karma planes better

EDIT: My first reddit gold! Thanks kind stranger

EDIT 2: Rip my inbox

EDIT 3: A word

Name checks out

depends how hot Karma is

She needed the money!


I'm gonna downvote you because reddit is an angsty agree/disagree system from what I've heard.

Downvoted. Eat shit and die.


*despise you retard faggot.



And this guy is trying to spread the blame for Opie's cuntiness onto Jimmy and the whole show.

Dump all the jocktober opie videos.

Not a bad idea.

Well, it appears I'm banned from that sub. What a loss.

Its like being blocked by derosa

Fuck any cunt that needs to say its Norton.

Its so much funnier when its real reactions.

This makes me happy. When Anthony or Jim make the front page it's because of funny stuff like this. When Opie does it's because of Cake Stomp. Good.

This reddit section makes Wackbag look good. guys gotta stop explaining/encouraging non-listeners in that thread. The show dies with us. WE HAD A PACT.

Don't listen anymore more obviously but does tits ignore chip too? I love the idea of the front page of the internet being ignored by this cunt. Hopefully we'll see uncle Paul there soon! Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker and.....tits.

The rest of Reddit can't handle Uncle Paul. Too triggering for their delicate sensibilities

This is the worst website on the planet.

Is Jim goofing on Danny by posting as chipfromtheshow

Yeah I'm suspicious too. Given that it's a very recent account and those photos look quite good.

Jimmy, is it really you?

I think they are old pictures of Jimmy with a hand shopped into the side. Still hilarious

And look at the top comment. Just a literal statement with no humor whatsoever, although the top reply to that comment is one of ours. Seems to be ol Chippa himself.

Lol... people asking who "tits" is.

Can someone explain to us from /r/all why this is bad?

Why what's bad?

You guys seem unhappy that this video is on the front page. Why?

BC almost all the rest of reddit is a bunch of unfunny cunts.


BECAUSE CHIP IS OURS!!! No, i am delighted. I thought everyone was delighted? I only see happy comments here. This sub has passed you by. sniff.

How did you trace that video back here?

Some guy's account history

Oh. Well, this subreddit finds reddit posters cringeworthy and annoying for the most part. I do too, but I don't mind this since it's funny to see the reactions of people who don't know Chip.

You seem unhappy that your mother is sucking jigaboo dick. Why?

It's not bad, how did you get that impression?

The top comment for example...

Oh yeah, people here aren't huge fans of the rest of reddit because you guys come off a bit self-righteous

Go back to r/minecraft, bitch.

TSSSSSSS fawkin berried his cocksuckah! Take em back to r/all erock!

Stay exclusively in /r/opieandanthony, dickface.


This online message board system stinks and I don't like it!


check out those big peckahz, i mean numbaazzz.



ribs hurtin today!

This nigga Chip retarded.

Its like being blocked by derosa

chip HELLA ugly

Ohh I thought it was the other guy who said "thats kinda gay" and everyone was completely ignoring the other guys 'tenderness' tangent. But if the focus was on him I take it back it was definitely cringeworthy. Still, the comments calling it homophobic are pretty stupid.