
27  2015-12-07 by CookieHaid


ooof, says the guy who admitted not prepping for the show for fucking years and years..

not only admitted......bragged.......

He was proud whenever the guest would ask "are we on the air"

He's "re-inventing" himself to be a generic radio hack, and this is him taking a passive aggressive jab at people who like it when there's a few funny people in a room with a mic and they bullshit.

He hates that, you know, the thing that made him famous? He hates it because he's not funny and can't participate. And it's all about him.

it's so easy to hate this cunt.

My favorite is the guy who likes Opie's role instead of the "comedic improvisation" from Ant and Jim. What a miserable life that's gotta be.

Or this guy:

I still remember the first time I heard O&A. Till this day, I don't miss a show.

But yours is more hateable.

Truly the tragedy of our modern times. Yes, the horses ass morning zoo host has been overlooked for far too long in this nation.

It's hard to do radio with Jim Norton, an additional comic guest as third mic, two writers for jokes and topics, phones as a crutch, producers and often a 3rd guest or yet another comic.

Isn't that what Jimmy has done for years?

Any attempt by opie to give the show structure or steer it in a certain direction was audibly awkward every single time. She is terrible at every single aspect of her job. With the exception of getting close to management.

Opie is an authority on nothing. He has never excelled at anything in his entire life. He doesn't even know at lot about a single subject.

Learning disabilities, mental illness, and a couple teaspoons of aspergers really makes for an insufferable human being.

Oh, don't give up on the "she" thing so quickly, it was just fantastic.

It's so easy to forget. One day it will be second nature.

I hope he someday becomes self aware because then he'll kill himself.

baldopie took care of that shit.

Great radio comes from two comedic geniuses pushing each other to throw out great lines about whatever topic comes up, while a butt hurt mommy issues child belches and pouts in the background, plotting his eventual revenge.


2015-12-07 02:58:36 UTC

Sadly most people think good radio is just pulled out of your ass. Thanks Cory twitter.com

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For an unfunny douche, tits acts like a master carpenter getting to work on his next radio masterpiece.

in some ways i actually kind of agree with opie. jim and ant SHOULD have had their own show without him. and he WOULD do fine all by himself in an entirely different kind of show with an entirely different audience. and i do mean fine, not extremely successful.

that's kind of what i thought he was saying when he meant O&A was lighting in a bottle. it's a rare thing to hit like that and opie measures his achievement in units of mediocrity that are much less than that, like most radio people.

his mistake was trying to keep jimmy and the brand in any sort of continuity at all. he should have disappeared and popped up as a morning zoo with a hole.

Hearing Ant crack up while describing in detail what Baldopie does was a special moment

When was that?

Greggshells Part Deux on TACS.

Cocksuckin' tweeter. Good lapdog, want a treat for sucking up to master? Good boy! Go fetch!

"Sadly..." How is it even sad that people think that? Tits is the king of overusing adjectives out of place. "yeah...shitty things....exchtremely shitty things...."

Sadly, so does he.

I wasn't under the impression that good radio was pulled out of Corey's ass, but apparently most people are so... Yeah.

Good to see that Art Danielle Juarez is still doing his thing. He's prolific.

But they didn't do prep for years...Maybe opie counts "reading da paperz"

I will give opie a thousand dollars if she can define what structure and pace mean when it comes to radio