Cake Stomp Millionare Part Deux. (Ant manipulated me)

19  2015-12-07 by [deleted]



She's hot. He's a rope necklace wearing doofus.

ME: It's hemp, brothaman. That's the bit!

I think you found Father Doris.

Now this is how how we do it.

ME: Lots of people said those are the best wedding pictures they've seen.

Opie eats pancakes with fried potatoes. This retard can't do anything right.

/u/dannyfromtheshow wasn't shitting. There are no windows where they held the reception, it's goolishly dark in there every picture.

The face you make when you just married a 62 year old millionaire with a viral spiral partnership-

This looks like a father having breakfast with his college age daughter...but Ant, he's the pedo.

I'm not saying she fucked an MTV star, but she looks exactly like the half dozen girls in the sorority across from me in college who gangbanged the situation.

Fffffffffawkin broootal dude.

When 2 pieces of white trash get married...



Is this the church the couple fucked in or was this in Philly?

Cake needs more layers.

By the looks of the cake, they were going for prison theme.

wtf why does imgur not let you download albums? Even the /zip trick doesn't work anymore.