Opie acts smart for knowing how to spell Worcester, despite having worked in Worcester, Massachusetts for three years (1995-98).

12  2015-12-06 by goldstandard32


Wow you found another layer to that amazing clip, good on ya.

I really despise Opie's OCD about getting exact dates or spellings. WHO CARES MOVE ON.

yeah what a douche

Or how long ago something was gotta show off them math skills. You know he was supposed to be a scientist or a doctor right?

It's not OCD. It's something he holds on to to feel intelligent when he knows he lacks substance. When you're as vapid as a cam whore, eventually you start counting or going through the alphabet. Especially if your job is to be involved in a conversation for 4 hours a day 5 days a week.

I don't need to look for the clip. If Opie has never asked someone what their favorite color is I'll commit seppuku.

were they doing their show from worcester then? i thought waaf studios were in watertown

Is so embarrassing he tries to get it out ahead of Sam to prove he knows how to spell it.