Opie gave Greenstein the greenlight to fire Ant but keep Jim.

4  2015-12-06 by molestedasayounggirl

Jim said last Tuesday SXM asked Opie whether to fire him along with Ant, which Opie confirmed that's what exactly happened. There is no way Greenstein didn't ask Opie if he thought it was a good idea to fire or temporarily suspend Ant. If SXM wanted Ant gone then they would've consulted Opie like they consulted him about wanting Jim gone.


0/10 thread. You are fucking retarded and your post is dogshit. Please slit your wrists.

And this is still relevant because?

b/c I posted it and whatever I post is relevant at least to me.

but honestly, Opie never wanted to ever reconcile with Ant in the first place even before Greggshells 1.0 b/c even as much as a piece of shit opportunist scumbag he is, he's still human and knows deep down what he did to Ant was wrong and possibly can't live himself if he rebuilt that bridge with Ant knowing he fucked him over.

I guess my point was that we all had this epiphany a long time ago.

I think your post was swell. Don't listen to these fella's.