Our video makers on here should compile a compilation of every time Opie is noticeably uncomfortable when Jimmy and Ant are riffing/when Ant makes Jimmy wheeze laugh...

11  2015-12-05 by clarkiswhite

There's probably enough there to work with. A lot of it can be found in the Jimmy laugh compilations, among other places.


I really love how Opie, in one hour, pretty much confirmed every speculation we've had for the past couple years

Jealous tit bag.

He does that nervous laugh

Vurry good, vurry good. Let's go to Mike from Poughkeepsie, Mike!

With his warbley high pitched fucking fuckvoice.

The noises Opie makes nowadays when Jim is having a laugh. .'HhmpH' 'gRrmph' are very Bobo'esque