When will you guys admit you want O and A back together?

0  2015-12-05 by RickMirer3

Shinkel bout it.

When parebts get divorced, its very basic and commonly known psychology...the children get mad at one of the parents. Not because they really hate them but because they are angry about the split and want their family back together.

Your theory is that Anthony is talented and funny and Opie is not.

It's obvious you're.you're just telling yourselves that. Otherwise you guys would listen and post about TACS but most of you listen to Opie more.

You guys should actually be thanking Opie from moving on from the guy you claim is a radio god but your anger indicates that you want them back together.

Once you faggots admit that, along with admitting that Opie won, you will all be able to move on :) including that faggot Anthony who is so hung up on his partner he spends multiple basement shows and not even top 100 ranked podcasts talking about him.

Plus...Anthony's new right wing dude bro Gavin tries to impress him and the "children" by doing classic new "mom's boyfriend" behaviour by talkingrashing the ex.

You guys ever step back and think about how gay this really is?


Its gay, but nobody wants OnA back together, they want Jimmy and Anthony back together,

That's 100 percent on Norton.

Yea it is, but your argument was incorrect.

I want Patrice back....

Dig him up.

I did at one point, even after the first blowout. But it has literally all gone now. I don't like Opie. He actively annoys me whenever I listen to old audio, which I do a lot.

And knowing what we know about him now, listening back to all that stuff is like watching Fight Club again once you find out he's skitso.

It's like watching Saving Private Ryan once you realize Tom Hanks' character is a homo.

You are a woman. I called it first!

Probably a tranny.

I did want O&A back together but now I've abandoned that hope and become a full fledged Opie hater. Fuck Opie.

Now I want Anthony & Jimmy and hopefully Ron Bennington at some point, too. Even Fez could make the occasional appearance.

I DO want OnA back together, if only to see the clusterfuck it spawns from Opies Fee fees

Fuck no. I'm going through 2011 shows and Opie is insufferably bad. HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON

Jim needs to join TACS and take Erock, Sam and Travis with him.

The show needs to get back together, but without Opie.

What are parebts?

Parents of children with Down Syndrome.

I've always wanted O&A back together and I still do, even though it's kind of ruined by the fact they actively despise each other.

Although it's more to do with wanting Anthony back on Sirius than liking Opie.

When your mom stops sucking my dick.

I don't want them to get back together. I'm just drawn to drama like a moth, and I feed on it until I'm sick from it. I would prefer that they keep taking shots at each other for the next year, and that the haterz drive Opie to quit ,because fuck him. Opie did not win this, especially if the "hate" bothers him as much as Ant says it does, and a guarantee you it does. I've got a pretty idea of what he's thinking, and I'm positive that this whole mess is adding to the storm inside his head, and it will continue to alienate him from everyone else. Finally, the reason Ant plays up the drama is because he knows it boosts his numbers. PERIOD.

Yea it is, but your argument was incorrect.