Get Well card to Lady Di.

1  2015-12-05 by smokinswindler

Got a message from Dr. Steve and he is going to relay a Get Well card to Lady Di for us. If anyone has something nice to say to her I'll attach it or add it to the card. She may be a clueless waterbuffaler, but she's our clueless waterbuffaler and that phoner the other day was really sad. im a fag & peckahs.


Get well soon Lady mhaa.



What is this from? Heard it once and laughed my ass off then couldn't find it again

Lady Di's first day as an intern

Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, chief. It was comin' back, from the island of Tinian to Layte, just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about a half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen footer.

Thoughts and Prayers

is " you did this to yourself, R.I.P drunken slob" too impolite?

"Dear Lady Di,

Who would stick it in you? Terrible."

I used to fuck with Lady Di on twitter telling her to come into the show, or that Anthony loves her and shit like that. She started to follolw me on twitter. She would DM me when I would troll her. After a while I stopped being a cunt too her. When she DM'd me, she was a really nice lady, with a few issue's who is down on her luck. I hope she is okay.

few issues

Understatement of the year

Lady Di, you've given me hours of joyous entertainment with your contributions to the radio show. All the best to you.

Shut up, faggot.

Whatever Marion said...

"Eat shit and die, you stupid cunt."

Good luck bro.

I don't really have any compassion for her. I was an addict and have had very good friends who have been alcoholics. You can't blame all the shit you do on the drugs... I guess she's a nice person, but she really doesn't need anyone helping her and enabling her anymore than she has. Just enough tough love to make her crack and be willing to do whatever she's told to get clean.