Opie's transparent body language

33  2015-12-05 by mattyp3


Please tell me someone didn't photoshop the fuckin torpid sloth on the TV? If this is real it's the greatest pic ever.

Thinking the same exact fucking thing. Bravo OP

That's fucking hilarious anyone know if that's shopped in?


2015-12-05 02:26 UTC

Two for the price of one. @erockradio AND @OpieRadio now in studio with @notsam #SRShow

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If some asshole sitting next to me forced me to look at the bottom of his god damn shoes like that, i would fucking politely ask him to put his feet down.I would then proceed to text Lynsi back and let her know I would be joining the gangbang and not to fret as of course I wouldn't wear a condom.

I hope his wife is getting her back blown out on the side, Tits' fake confidence and overly shitty attitude is repulsive.

See guys, notice how comfortable I look with my legs propped up on the desk- All the hate towards me now doesn't bother me in the leeeaast! Peuurriod!


Oh no no no that isnt how comfortable is spelled.

Oh, LITERAL /u/CCRed95!

I'm actually pretty good, in general, to be honest wit you. Uuuuhhhh anyways. Hi, Esther. What. Religion were you growing up?

Tits retreats to the safety of his two underlings. Sam and Erock, the only two people who don't give him shit.

Truly sad but I would pay good money to watch Erock and Opie fight nude, breast on breast.

I imagined elephant seals...

Looks like the sloths could be related! Lets do a face swap!

While I'm at it, Erock looks sad. Let's give him a Coke float!

Awwwww, can you do Erock with a coke float in a thought bubble above his head?

I bet Opie smells awful

He wears his stocking cap in doors like a boss. Fucking cunt

BaldOpie after effect. I can't even tell if this picture was shopped!

It's because management won't pay for the heating. The fucking assholes, how about throwing a few bucks towards keeping everybody warm?

I did always appreciate Opie talking about how everybody was underpaid to be perfectly honest with you. Opie's good like that.

"The Hat and the Fat"

sorry erock

sorry reddit you mean

"Man, I just take stuff as it comes. No worries for me bro, laid back cool dude over here. Isn't it obvious that NOTHING bothers me?"

The equivalent of his confident (nervous) water battle swig during live events.

Opie wears a hat now so baldopie can't photoshop as easily

Nice sneakers, Tits. Are you going hiking with those after you leave your chair? What a fucking poseur.

Look at where his feet are on the table. They're half on and half off, that cannot be comfortable.

Ugh, these homeless people are getting more and more brazen everytime they come in.

Take your nerdy smelly hiking boots off the fucking table, cunt.

Jesus, no matter what the photo is now I immediately check to see if his tits are visible first and yep, there it is.

Why is he sitting at the guest seat if he's the fancy channel namesake?

That mother of his was a useless, softhanded twat. If my child ever put their feet on a table I would choke them the fuck out, regardless of age.

I think Erock is stress eating. He's getting fat(ter)

Poor Erock.


Somebody photoshop some dog shit onto the bottom of his shoes.


put a thought bubble: "Owe my back is killing me...I hope this looks cool"

Erock is the size of a dino-zaur.


2015-12-05 02:26 UTC

Two for the price of one. @erockradio AND @OpieRadio now in studio with @notsam #SRShow

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