Anthony was BizzarOpie, and Danny Ross was "convinced" to say that he was wrong about it

17  2015-12-03 by braunheiser

Because Anthony signed a contract within it stating that he will not take the social media to disparage the company or the show he works on, and BizzarOpie being Anthony may have breached that clause, so Opie is not talking about it because there's lawyers checking to see if they can pin BizzarOpie on Anthony and if it breaches the contract. Remember -- Anthony sued or is suing Sirius XM for the remainder of his contract's salary, saying that there wasn't an adequate reason to terminate his employment. Just saying it's a possibility


If this litigious shit toothed thin skinned cock sucker actually goes through with a lawsuit over a fucking parody account, I wish nothing but the worst horrors upon him.

I think the lawsuit is more of just a fuck you to Anthony then anything. Sort of like you guys trying to get Opie fired. No one here really wants people losing their jobs for things they do and say, but for Opie well exceptions are made. Something tells me this feud between Opie and Anthony could get dirtier, and if any of this is real there going for knock out punches at this point. Anthony can say he's not mad, or doesn't care, but come on. He's spent a significant amount of time giving a shit if you ask me, and well we know Opie is mad.

Sort of like you guys trying to get Opie fired.

A lot of us didn't participate in that. I don't like how you talk in broad strokes.

Yeah, some of us ratted us out...

Speaking of which, how's Lady Di these days?

Yes dummy but alot of people did so calm the fuck down. Of course I am speaking in broad strokes because I'm talking about a group of people and it was just more or less an example to help emphasize my original point. If you didn't then that's all you have to say. I just don't think the lawsuit is about thinskin. I think Opie wants to take it to Anthony and watch his lose money, and fuck him over however he can.

No need for such coarse language. All I'm saying is the amount of people here that actually tried to get him fired is overblown.

The amount of people participating in actively trying to get him fired may have been overblown, but the amount of people who would have loved to see it happen isn't. My point still stands.

Why doesn't your point sit down instead? Cawksucka!

Yo cuz, what the fuck you talking about? As big of a weeping fag tits is, there's never been a mention of a lawsuit other than you're fan fiction.

No shit dummy. IF it's real I said. I didn't say it was.

I love how no one ever looks at your name first

We're not exactly dealing with the smartest fanbase.

I really don't think he was behind it.

Had to be a cohort though. Keith or Joe.

Why? There are countless anonymous internet trolls it easily could have been.

It still sounds like someone was in studio that wrote it. At least it does to me. It didn't read like a fan created the account.

The thing is Danny obviously knew something. I think Ant gave Danny a good "talking to", if you don't mind me saying. Perhaps a bit more. Anthony "corrected him".

Perhaps he shoved his soup can Eye-talian cock into Danny's small little Jewish asshole.

Good theory.

I have to say that a few of the tweets I saw sure were worded almost exactly like Ant's tweets.

Gulf of Tonkin shit, bro inhales weed in self satisfaction

Thats exactly how this theory came about

I thought of this, too. I also thought it may have been Anthony that deleted the account himself. But then again, I >think< it just says the account was normally deleted if he had logged in and deleted it; whereas the account says it was suspended, which leads me to think it was a forced delete from twitter.

Now, excuse me, as I go study the Zapruder film.

He could've reported the account himself.



It was a false flag operation. /u/dannyfromtheshow is Ant! He's using mind control on ol' Oqieshells. Harrpstrings

I don't think it was him, but it's possible. We all know Anthony, god love him, can't control himself on twitter, not even for the sake of keeping a $3,000,000/year job.

Some of the tweets sound like shit Anthony would say, but anyone that is that devoted to the show can do that. I mean this entire sub can do a spot-on Opie impression in text. That doesn't really mean anything.

what if Bizarro Opie wasn't just one person, but a bunch of different people that shared the account?


/u/dannyfromtheshow care to comment?

I think the UFOS have something to do with it. Find out this Monday night on..


You're obviously part of the mind control haters sent by Cumia! Ugh... it's so obvious. You'll never win, you Reptilian! #alexjones #blacklivesmatter

So basically, just shoot these two and get me to a fucking hospital?

Ive read about this before and I was pretty blown away. I narrow it down to the fact that when we read Berenstain Bears as kids we are half retarded anyway so its hard for our little minds to understand the difference. Any kid that actually knows its Berenstain is an autistic or a fucking genius.

I remember thinking, "That's a real weird way to spell Berenstein."


I dont know, I really dont believe Bizzaro Opie was Ant. Now it may have been someone really close to him CoughKeith the CopCough but I really do think Ant is smart enough not to actually subject himself to that type of legal action if his contract really stated that. Furthermore if he was Bizarro Opie why was the last tweet sent back in 2011 and not deleted way back in July of 2014 when Ant decided to sue SXM for his contact money? Things just dont add up.

Keith isn't smart enough. Not capable. I know what you're thinking. The guy rose through the ranks of the NYPD, he must be pretty smart.

Not smart enough to think of those. He's at least 2/3 dunce.

I don't think rising through the ranks of the NYPD is synonymous with being smart...

KTC couldn't have come up with those tweets lol.

Not to argue this theory like it's fact but just to continue along the line of it -- the idea of Danny coming onto reddit and talking about BizzarOpie was probably so far out of the question to Anthony, to the point where he might've practically forgotten about BizzarOpie, or just never in a million years thought it would be tied to him

That makes 0 sense though.

Anthony has GONE OUT OF HIS WAY to shit on Opie since "Greggshells" happened. Why wouldn't he own up to this?

Retread his argument. He's saying Anthony can be sued if he did it while under contract if he had a Claus that forbade things like that.

What if he had a Kringle to forbid that?


Double Santas cocksuckas

Thanks for jumping on that so I didnt have to





Tssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. fawkin homerun.

cock suckerrrrrr.

Oh, my bad.

Is it standard procedure for contracts to include language about saying mean things about another person?

Meh. Who knows. They can find ONE tweet that could be construed as disparaging the company on social media like OP said.

Standard? No. But this was a contract for a multi-million dollar radio show that deals with the FCC and shareholder accountability. It was probably a hundred pages long and could have easily included something like that.

Cause it makes him look bad. Like when he sent that text to Jim/some girl. Or when he went on/didn't know about the cesspool podcast.

Can you be sued over past contracts if new info comes out breaching said contract even after the contract no longer exists?

Probably, that means the money they paid him at that time was paid under an already breached contract.

It's a matter of litigation cost vs ROI. So they can do whatever as long as they can assume it will end up in the black based on past cases, etc.

Yes, as long as it's within the statute of limitations (6 years in New/Zoo/Jew York). The hard part is proving damages, although there might be a forfeiture clause in the contract.

I don't think it's Ant or Patrice simply for the fact that it wasn't that clever or funny. It all seemed a bit too on the nose.

I don't believe it legally matters if he breached the contract as Bizarro Opie as the company did not fire him for that reason. If it is revealed after the fact, they can't just go "oh yeah, we telepathically knew that too, but we just never mentioned it as a reason we fired him."

Actually the company could theoretically sue him. They'd have to prove damages, which have to be just about impossible in this case, unless there is a forfeiture clause in the contract.

It was Patrice, Von confirmed it

I really really wanna suck on her big juicy tits.

I really want to tongue fuck her big juicy asshole

I really want to see her get AIDS for defiling the memory of Patrice to get a coupl'a shekels.

I thought about this yesterday. The second legal arguments came up the BizzarOpie got removed. Obviously, there is no actual direct proof - but I think the account has something to do with Opie pressing forward with litigation thinking it's Anthony, whether it actually is or not.

I still think the heart of the drama is centered around the Ben thing, though, and something about the alleged texts Ben sent Opie after/during Ant's party. If what Tits recalls can be counted on.

The second legal arguments came up the BizzarOpie got removed.

What legal arguments? When?

How do you know what the contract said? Only one person has said it was Anthony. They couldn't say they fired him now, because of a the Bizarro Twitter account when they said it was his main Twitter account's tweets.

I don't, although I've signed the same thing for jobs which originally made me wonder about this. Also you're right -- let's suspend reality and say that everything about the theory is true -- that still doesn't mean he can automatically be held liable for a parody account that was not openly linked to him. That's where I think Opie not talking about it comes into the picture, where maybe SXM lawyers are at least trying to see what they can make of it. Even if this is the gist, it'd be a long shot of a case either way

My theory: I reckon it was probably coined as an idea between Anthony and one of his holes. They could have said "wouldn't it be funny if..." and maybe Anthony didn't imagine she would actually go through with it. In that scenario you would have to egg it on and chip (wassat!) in with a few comments if you're Ant. Also gives him plausible deniability to say it wasn't him.

Purely wild speculation though but I'm happy to admit that.

When was this BizarroOpie time?

I never had heard about it until this past week. I wasn't on reddit and not really on twitter (I do check the timelines from time to time) But I only see BizarroOpie from 3 years ago, was it a big thing and were things deleted from the account? Never heard it brought up on the show either.

Im gonna take this rational, well thought out point and counter with a

fuckin peckazzzzzz ...dvv dvv...


i was thinking this. why would ant comment specially on that

People seem to forget Danny has some beef with Anthony. Anthony did say multiple times about it all. So it just smells of sweet revenge for Danny to slip that in knowing full well opie in his current paranoid state of mind will go apeshit over it. For all we know it could well be Danny. He might have told ant about it. Or ant could have shot the shit with the idea but only the idea. And Danny ran with it. It's not the first time a disgruntled ex staffer has tried to spread some shit to cause dramaaaaa.

I don't think Anthony would be that stupid to directly post as bizzaropie. if he did he certainly wouldn't tell anybody as he always talks about people blabbing sooner or later if you tell anybody anything. Be it killing somebody or banging the teacher. Or in this case posting under a pseudonym.

I don't think Anthony ran the account, though I do feel he may know who did and it could've been someone close to him. He's denied running the account several times, but I don't think he stated that he also didn't know who did. I personally don't give two shits either way.

That's dumb, and you're dumb. They have hours of audio of both Opie and Anthony directly shitting on management and the company. Disparagement clauses are generally meant to keep the on-air talent from sabotaging the company by telling the audience not to listen or to boycott advertisers. They don't cover calling your partner a moron anonymously online. And even if this one did (which it doesn't), then it would almost certainly also cover the hours of bitching about management that is actually on tape. The idea of the SXM legal team working late nights zeroing in on the Bizarro Opie case is so retarded, I'm actually almost impressed someone came up with it.

He said he was told not to talk about it, it was really really bad. Also, every radio show bashes management on the air, what happens on the air is theater. Social media is different and if there were clauses like that in their contract, they could very easily have wording like "portraying the image of Sirius XM or The Opie and Anthony show in a negative light" and this could fit into that. You really think lawyers won't find anything they can to throw at someone to tie them up in court or not have to make a 6 figure payout? Opie claims he was told he can't talk about it, and Anthony has said multiple times now that he believes it's that, it does follow along that line of reasoning.

Also, every radio show bashes management on the air, what happens on the air is theater. Social media is different

Do you honestly believe that the letter of their contract had a disparagement clause that specified social media but explicitly left out on-air statements? If they had a disparagement clause and wanted to nail Ant with it, they easily could have a thousand times over.

That's all even assuming that such a clause would cover calling your partner an asshole online, which it almost certainly would not. Like I said, those types of clauses tend to cover sabotaging the listenership. The things they said on air about management are far closer to what would be covered, and even they likely don't qualify.

Opie claims he was told he can't talk about it,

Because he's a liar. And he probably wanted to bundle it all together with the Ben Sparks thing (actual ongoing litigation that he can't talk about) to save face.

There would be a specific section on social media completely separated. Tons of radio shows bash their management, that's radio tradition.

If a company is concerned enough to have a disparagement clause of the kind that you're describing (the kind that goes so far as to cover anonymous online statements about your partner being an idiot), it will almost certainly cover their own airwaves and leave it to the company to decide what slides, tradition or not. You're imagining a really bizarre set of lawyers: they use every asset at their disposal to work the Bizarro Opie angle but choose not to include a clause about on-air disparagement out of respect for tradition.

You're actually just painting your own picture that has a lot of your own dramatic projection in it. It could easily be that he's not going to say anything about it because it's just a possibility in the air. Every asset at their disposal? Who said that? You... kind of cartoony, and it's a good insight into how you view real life...

The first part of your post is wrong.. there are lines they still don't cross while trashing the management. Find me old posts of them trashing Sirius XM in similar ways on social media and I'll agree with you, but they're not there.

Great points.

Opie too

You believe Opie? He was just saying that because he was lying

What do you mean lying

Not telling the truth.

He was trying to conflate the whole Ben Sparks restraining order with the "new stuff" (almost certainly Bizarro Opie). He was trying to defuse Jimmy's anger by having a legal reason to not tell him about it, when he just told him moments ago that he just doesn't trust him.

It could easily be that he was lying, the theory in general is total speculation to the highest degree. Just for discussion and curiosity sake on my part, not asking argumentative/sarcastic questions just real questions here (hard to tell on the internet) -- how does that Ben Sparks stuff connect all in with the subject of Anthony and how recent stuff came to light that Anthony did that was so bad? or in Opie's head what was going on with that? Making my head spin a little now this morning I'll have to go back and listen. I get what you mean with the defusal, does he think that Anthony and Ben Sparks were somehow in cahoots possibly and that is the connection with it all with BizzarOpie (in Opie's head?)

I wouldn't think it would cover calling a dumb nigger bitch an animal on social media but the company apparently felt otherwise. This is all speculation as none of us have seen Ant's contract.

Meh. Who knows. They can find ONE tweet that could be construed as disparaging the company on social media like OP said.

Standard? No. But this was a contract for a multi-million dollar radio show that deals with the FCC and shareholder accountability. It was probably a hundred pages long and could have easily included something like that.